Principal Message

✿Welcome to Term Two.  It was terrific to see everyone back after a refreshing holiday punctuated by ANZAC Day, where our SRC represented the school so well. Our own ANZAC service, held on our first student day back on 26th April,  was also a solemn memorial and we were very appreciative of Lieutenant Vivian Farragher from Kapooka as our guest speaker who reflected on the ANZAC spirit and its relevance to young people✿.


We look forward to a productive term of learning ahead for all students. All are reminded to revisit learning goals at the start of term with their Homegroup coach. 


This term we welcome Ms Louisa Reynolds who has taken up the role of Leader of Academic Care and Wellbeing replacing Mr. Matt Conn, who has been appointed Acting Assistant Principal at St Francis De Sales Leeton for the remainder of 2023. Ms. Reynolds appointment also coincides with us beginning our review of wellbeing for learning in the College to see how well we align with our Diocesan framework and best practice.


Congratulations to Ms Angie Cooper on her appointment as Leader of Professional Learning at CEDWW permanently from the start of Term Three. Kildare will be the poorer for her going but I know that someone of Angie’s great talent will be an enormous asset to the system. 

This week has seen the premiere of Back to the Eighties at the Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre. It has been a wonderful start. Please book your ticketsHERE and don't miss out. We thank the large team of staff led by Mr Michael Mack, Ms. Mel Hale and the Creative Arts team of the College for all their great work. We also congratulate the over 150 students involved in the show, on stage and backstage, for their amazing achievement.


Next Tuesday 9th May we have our Athletics Carnival after it was washed out last term. All students and families are reminded please that this is a compulsory event for all students. As we discuss at enrolment time with students and families, it comes with being a part of the College community that all such events are supported by students and parents. I would ask parents to please follow through with the commitment agreed to by ensuring your daughters and sons are present at the carnival on the day and do not leave early. I look forward to this being supported by all.


Can I please remind everyone too, of the attendance policy. The link between attendance at school and learning success is clear. The attendance legislation does not support students being pulled out of school for holidays/breaks of more than nine days. The legislation was strengthened in 2009 for the very problem of families taking students on long holidays, causing issues at school. 

When applications for holiday leave are declined from now on you will understand why. Unfortunately, the government expects school principals to support the law on this and not approve leave for such things as holidays. I know this will be disappointing but it is the policy we have to comply with and should have been already.

Link to Attendance PolicyHERE.

Can I also please note in regards to applications for leave that these be lodged two weeks in advance of the leave dates. It really isn't appropriate to be doing these after the fact or on the day people are leaving which has occurred a few times this year. 


Thank you for your ongoing support.



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