Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Families,


Welcome back to our first newsletter of Term Two! We have certainly hit the ground running this term (pun intended) with our Year 3-6 and Year 1/2 Cross-Country events being held at Marks Reserve. Despite some weather challenges, the students did a marvellous job – so many pushing themselves to run, jog and walk to complete the 2km and 3km courses.


Shade Sails

Over the school holiday break, we had new colourful shade structures installed in our courtyard behind the main building. We were successful in obtaining a grant last year to subsidise the cost of these, with the school only having to contribute a small amount for installation. Our courtyard is a well-utilised area for passive play, our Maths Cupboard, and other quiet games at break times.


Engagement, Wellbeing and Mental Health

I wanted to take some time to talk about some new initiatives that we have starting this term and across the course of the year to support our students with their engagement, wellbeing and mental health. On top of our wonderful inclusive supports and programs already in place at BNPS, we have been successful in attracting funding from the Government and School Focussed Youth Services to put in place a number programs to continue to support our students. Starting this term, we have a group of Year 5/6 students engaging in a program run by the Ballarat YMCA called “ReCranked”, where they repair and maintain bikes each week. The overall aim is to repair damaged and donated bikes to then be distributed to members of the Ballarat community who cannot afford their own bikes – a wonderful thing! The students also get to do some work on their own bikes to make sure they are running smoothly. 


Next term we will have a group of Year 5/6 students engaging in an Art Therapy program, and we have also started to plan a partnership with Federation University Community Psychology Services to work with some of our students and families in Semester Two this year to offer further counselling supports on top of the Wellbeing support already delivered by Mrs Morris one a day per week this semester. Mrs Macdonald has also started her DRUMBEAT group this term with a group of students. DRUMBEAT stands for: Discovering Relationships Using Music – Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes and Thoughts.


We are very proud of all the supports, opportunities and inclusive practices we have in place for our students and families and hope to continue to strengthen these as we move forward.


Digital Technology and Cyber Safety

Lastly, I think it important to touch in on Cyber Safety, as this is an ever-present challenge for us all as parents and educators in the digital world, we live in. From time to time, we are faced with challenges which relate to either children’s ‘appropriate use’ of digital technology and devices and/or interacting safely and mindfully online. There are several websites to support families and schools and Bully Zero ( is one that has the following advice around setting up limits on screen time and interacting safely online: 


Later in the year we will have the Liaison Officer from Victoria Police come and work with our Year 3-6 students on Cyber Safety to explore these concepts in more detail.


Until I see you in person,






“It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.” ~ Queen Elizabeth II