Religious Education

During the last few weeks of term students undertook the Easter Experiences unit of work where they learnt about the death and resurrection of Jesus. A fitting way to end the term was with an Easter Liturgy. All students contributed to the mass in varying forms from reading, writing prayers, dramatising scripture, decorating slides or performing Liturgical movements to My Lighthouse.
Studies of Religion 2
In Stage 6, 2 Unit SOR is again being offered at MDCC after several years of not running. Our senior students are really enjoying the historical and cultural aspects of learning about the various living, dynamic religions of the world. Currently, both Year 11 and Year 12 SOR2 have been exploring the religion of Judaism, including the development of the faith, beliefs and practices, including plenty of key terms in Yiddish! Stage 6 SOR1 and 2 students have also been actively engaged in using Atomi, a fantastic online learning platform, to support their studies in religion. We have been delighted to see so many students take ownership over their studies by utilising this great resource.
Mrs Jacqueline Walker | Acting Religious Education KLA Leader