Academic Care and Wellbeing

Welcome to Term 2 in Academic Care and Wellbeing. My name is Bianca Munro and I am currently acting in the role of Leader of Students.
We have begun the chilly term with an increase in uniform options which we hope will suit the needs of our students. Parents / carers can access our uniform and appearance policy via the school website.
will also find in the policy an update list of uniform items on offer through the Uniform Shop. A reminder that students are expected to wear College uniform from Monday through to Thursday. On Fridays students may wear their Sports Uniform.
This week we continued our whole school focus on Motivation. This initiative commenced in Term 1 where students completed a survey on what a motivated student does at school and at home. We also explored strategies to increase motivation: Making a list for the following day, The Pomodoro technique, Habit Stacking and Planning for when things go awry (not to plan).
This week, we shared with cohort groups the results of their survey. I have included the summary image below. During our session students self assessed their motivation at school and home and then learnt how to use flashcards as a study strategy. Each student was given 10 flashcards to create for one of their subjects to increase motivation and preparedness for upcoming tasks and learning.
College Student Leaders attended this year's local ANZAC Day March. Students were honoured to have the last WWII Veteran march with them down Baylis Street. Our College Captains Ellie and Josh, laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in the Victory Memorial Gardens Commemorative Ceremony.
At the commencement of the Term, the College Community gathered together to reflect on the spirit and sacrifice of the ANZACs in a commemoration Liturgy.
Key Events in Academic Care and Wellbeing in Term 2 include:
- RYDA Driver Awareness for Year 11 students
- Tomorrow Man and Woman with Year 10 students
- Positive Relationships with Year 9 students
- Homegroup Olympiad Challenge: Weeks 2 and 10
- Positive Parent Partnerships: Year 8 STEAM
We have also shared some resources via social media and Compass for parents:
- Prime Energy Drinks which have been banned from Australian schools
- Reach Out Schools - Parent Support for School Refusal: Reach Out has compiled some useful strategies and support information for parents dealing with school refusal.
Mrs Bianca Munro | Acting Leader of Students