
Lenten Giving Programs - Thank you
Throughout our Lenten journey, Mater Dei Catholic College pledged to work in partnership with Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion Campaign, “For all Future Generations.” In Homegroups our community prayed for a world marked by neighbourly love; a world where no one is hungry or poor; a world where resources are shared, for all to enjoy; a world where different races, faiths and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect; a world where peace is built with justice, and justice is achieved through love.
In building an awareness of the importance of these Catholic Social Teachings, our students and their families supported the goals of Caritas Australia and their work in developing communities and impoverished nations around the world.
In a similar way, our annual Easter Raffle was also hugely successful with over 35 prizes. This year we supported the local initiative of Vinnies - Wagga Wagga, the Family Fun Day. This was held at the Showgrounds on 22 April, and was a wonderful opportunity to bring together vulnerable families from different backgrounds, language groups and cultures to enjoy some fun experiences with their children.
I would like to take this opportunity to share my appreciation for the manner in which each and every Homegroup has supported the work of Project Compassion and Vinnies during our Lenten appeals this year. Collectively, we have raised $894.40 for Project Compassion and $1187.60 from the Vinnies Easter Raffle, which was donated towards the local, Vinnies Family Fun Day. Congratulations everyone and thank you for your support of these Lenten Giving Projects.
School Student Broadband Initiative for Families - Vinnies Wagga Wagga
The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home internet for one year for unconnected families with school-aged students. Vinnies NSW has been allocated some vouchers to be distributed to families with school-aged children who do not have an internet connection at home.
To be eligible for the SSBI, families must have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school in 2023. They must not already have an active National Broadband Network (NBN) internet service at home. Having mobile phone internet service does not affect eligibility. Families must also live-in premises that can access the National Broadband Network via a standard connection.
The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has been approached to support nominations for this initiative. If you are interested in registering or checking your eligibility, please contact Amelia Bright - Leader of Mission at the College.
Vinnies are here to help if your family is struggling. Vinnies can provide a wide range of assistance; food and food vouchers, assistance with utility bills, clothing, furniture, referrals, and most importantly, companionship.
Founders Day Mass - Friday 12 May
As a Community of Faith, we look forward to gathering to share in the Sacrament of the Eucharist as we acknowledge two very special occasions in the life of our College that honour our Founders; the anniversary of Nano Nagle’s death in 1784, occurred on the 26 April, just as we returned to school for the term, and the Feast of Edmund Rice was held last Friday, on 5 May. During our Founders Day Mass, we will celebrate the spirit and legacy of our founders and thank them for being a window through whom others glimpsed God’s providence and loving presence in their lives.
The theme of our Eucharistic celebration is centred on our ‘Charism of Community’. “Charism” is the Greek word used in the New Testament for “favour” or “gratuitous gift.” Charisms are spiritual gifts, and special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them the power to both represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for all people (CCC, 2003).
These gifts of the Holy Spirit were shared with Blessed Edmund Rice and Venerable Nano Nagle to serve the needs of their impoverished communities, in their time, and in their corner of the world. From these communities sprung forth the religious orders of the Christian Brothers and the Presentation Sisters. In the late 1800’s these two Religious Orders bravely journeyed to Wagga Wagga from their home in Ireland, to continue their founder’s mission of bringing Catholic Education to those who were underprivileged and spiritually poor in far-off lands.
For Edmund and Nano to have achieved what they did, they needed the support of the entire community of faith, and they used their spiritual gifts to shape and nurture it. The hope of their future depended on the commitment of the sisters and brothers to involve like-minded people in their endeavours. Their courage and determination were powerful drivers of change. This change demanded a shift in values and great humility.
As Pope Francis relates, these people were “a gift for the Church and for the world.” Their Charisms allow us to define our identity; our very essence, and further enhance our ability to be ‘love in action’. As the Holy Spirit is behind us, we must recognise that God has placed us together not by chance or by accident, but so we may realise our individual charisms effectively, which in turn builds up the charism of our whole community.
On Mater Dei Day, we celebrate with great pride and pay special tribute to our founders and to the thousands of brothers and sisters who dedicated their lives in service to Jesus Christ, in the same spirit as Nano and Edmund. Their lives and their legacy continue to permeate our hearts and help to sustain us in living our College's mission and vision; striving for equality and social justice in our world, through education.
We pray, that like our Founders, we may become people with the strength of character to be windows through which others around us may glimpse God. We thank the Presentation Sisters and the Christian Brothers for their selfless example of dedication to their ministries of education. Our challenge is, to not only live within a powerful value system but to grow through it and to create communities of love, a love expressed through responsibility for people and care for the earth.
As we look forward to celebrating our Mothers on Sunday, let us pray for all Mothers and Mother figures in our community…
God of infinite love,
We pray for your blessings on all women who have loved and nurtured us throughout our lives.
We give thanks for all the mothers and mother figures who have guided and protected us, who have taught and encouraged us.
We give thanks for mothers who have passed away, birth mothers, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, and for all women who take on a motherly role.
We ask your blessing, dear Lord, upon mothers who have lost children,
that they may have your continuing strength and courage.
We ask your blessing too, upon those who would like to be mothers.
Pour your blessings upon all women who provide nurture, compassion and love.
Give them the strength to live the faithful and loving lives you call them to live.
Protect and guide them.
Keep them safe in your care.
Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission