This Fortnight's News 

 Term 2, Week 2

Student drop-off time

It has been observed that there are a growing number of students being dropped off and left unattended before school hours commence at 8.30am.


This poses a safety and supervision issue as the school grounds are not supervised by staff until 8.30am each day.


Students who are arriving prior to this need to enrolled in our before school program to ensure their safety.

They provide an exciting program of activities for all ages. A rebate is applied to the fee charged for those who are eligible. 


Contact Heather and the team for more information

Mother's Day Photos!

A gentle reminder to please send through photos of your child/ren with their Mother, Mother figure, Grandmother for the Mother's Day event next Friday. Can all photos please be emailed to Jacinta Martin by Tuesday 9th May so we can collate and create the slideshow.

School Uniform

As we transition into the cooler weather, the winter uniform is now able to be worn from week 3.


Sun hats are no long needed to be worn, in line with our SunSmart policy.

Beanies with the school logo or plain navy are welcome to be worn outside during play. Please ensure they are clearly labelled.


Our school uniform shop has received a lot of winter items recently, so please come in for a look if you need to top up your students' wardrobe for winter!  


Uniform shop opening hours:

Tuesday - 8.40 - 8.55am

Wednesday - 3.15 - 3.30pm


To visit the uniform shop outside of these hours, please contact the office.

Newsletter Invite

We have had several requests for grandparents and special people to be able to be included in some correspondence to keep up with all of the exciting things we are up to at St A's!


If you would like to include members of your family, please contact the office with their email address and we can organise this for you.

A report from our School Captain

On Wednesday 26th of April, our ‘I Sea, I Care Ambassadors’ (Nyawech Kulang, Eleanor McCraith, Ava McAnearney and myself) headed down to Sorrento with Mrs Mellor & Mr Butland to participate in the I Sea, I Care Dolphin Research program. 


As we got into our wetsuits we were all super eager, hoping to see dolphins, seals and other marine life. When we got onto the boat, we put our bags away and sat down as we took off to find some seals. 

There we so many of them squished into a little platform with an undercover area in the middle of Port Phillip Bay. The moment we were allowed in the water, we all slid in and swam straight over to greet the smelly but playful seals. We were also lucky enough to have a big stingray swim underneath us as we were snorkeling around the area. 


As we returned to the boat, we received a tasty hot chocolate and were all warmed up. 

Our next stop was to the nearby reef and we were ready to find some local sea dragons. When it was all clear to head out again, we jumped in with our flippers and snorkels and looked around for sea dragons.


Initially, we weren’t sure what they looked like, but our Moonraker guides pointed them out, and were lucky to locate six sea dragons. 

Sadly the dolphins weren’t out today but in my opinion, it was a very successful day as we learnt a lot about animals and altogether had an amazing time.


Logan Dooley 

School Captain & I Sea, I Care Ambassador

Scholastic book club orders

Just a reminder that catalogue 3 orders are due by Friday 12th May.


Celebrating First Nations at McClelland Gallery

McClelland Gallery warmly invites all members of the local community to a celebration of First Nations culture and community on May 7th from 12-5pm, with performances by leading First Nations artists including Kutcha Edwards and Ganga Giri. There will be a free sausage sizzle, market stalls and for the kids, the Funky Farm.


We invite families and friends of all ages and cultures to experience an afternoon of celebration, empowerment and education within our spectacular sculpture park. This unique and inclusive experience will be an alcohol-free, family-friendly event.

This is a free event with no tickets required.