Grade Prep

Explore the Learning in Grade Prep

We have started the term well and the students have settled into the routine quickly. This week we had our first prep excursion to Barwon Heads River. Our Inquiry unit topic is 'Caring for our Environment', the excursion was a great experience for students to learn about our river and looking after our enironment. Lucy from 'Beach School' had all the students engaged listening to lovely story and making some rivers! We look forward to visiting the river again next week. Thank you to all our parents that came along to help. 


The students have enjoyed writing about their experience at the river. They have completed some great entries in their writers notebook. 



In Term 2, the students will be learning about the following topics, Graphing, Place Value and Measurement. Last week and this week we have focussed on the topic Subitising. The students have been participating in many maths games to develop their knowledge.

Spelling and Common words

Just a reminder to continue to read with your child every night and go over their common words. Please sign the diary the nights you complete the tasks.  We will contiune to test  your child read their common words on a weekly basis. 

The students love it when we have older students visit the classroom and also spending time with their buddies. They still enjoy it when some of our grade 5 students read to them when they eat their lunch.