Grade 6

Explore the Learning in Grade 6



Diaries should be at school every day, with a log of the students homework in it.


Students are expected to be reading each night, and practising their spelling and math's goals or times tables a few nights a week.




Tuesday 9th of May - District Cross Country

Thursday 11th of May - Athletics Day at Landy Field

Wednesday 17th of May - Winter Lightning Premiership

Wednesday 14th of June - District Tee ball

Thursday 15th of June - MCG Excursion


Celebration of Work 


This term students will be learning about Australian History, they will be looking specifically into three different events that have helped shape Australia today, and then they will be investigating and choosing an event that has happened in the past that has helped shape Australia, to do a project on.


In writing students will be working on writing their own persuasive piece, they will be working on writing a short story (to be published in an anthology book in Term 3), and will be writing a report as part of their inquiry project.


This week we have been focusing on adding detail and description to our writing, by using our senses and figurative language, such as simile, metaphor, hyperbole and personification.


Here are some examples of student writing:


'I could hear the waves crashing together like starving alligators.'


'The trees were swaying in the light breeze, we could hear unique noises.'


'As I stepped onto the dry land, I saw a mysterious creature hopping along the horizon.'


'The water was like diamonds sparkling in the sunlight.'


'Crash! The salty shores tickled the tip of my boot.'


'The air tasted fresh and new.'


'The dirt was as dry as a grandma's cookie from 1722.'


'All I saw was a blanket of greenery.'