Le Français

Bonjour et bienvenue au deuxième trimestre!


This term students in Grade 5 and 6 will be working in groups to create a bilingual Power point presentation on "La durabilité  et le changement climatique". They will be exploring and practicing French vocabualry and pronunciation skills relating to sustainability and climate change.


Also on the topic of Sustainability, Grade 3 and 4 will be exploring the world of "les animaux on voie de disparition" (endangered animals). They are starting by writing   French phrases and practising pronunciation on vocabulary relating to "polluer, chasse, braconnage et déforestation"


Grade 1 and 2 are also looking at how to save the planet by exploring French vocabulary such as "recycler, réduire and réutiliser"

Foundation students will look at the concept of change by listening, writing and practising words related to "les jours de la semaine" ( days of the week).

Activities are posted on Seesaw with examples of pronunciation and suggestions for time management and completion. Students in Grade 3-6 are reminded to bring headphones to French classes to facilitate their learning .


À la prochaine, 

Madame Higgins