News from the 5/6 classrooms 

Welcome back, and get ready for a fun-filled Term 2! 



This term, students have already been busy in Maths; investigating all kinds of skills, such as: 

  • making weather predictions,
  • comparing cost of living expenses, and
  • understanding equivalent money values. 

During our Literacy learning, students have been learning about the structure of explanation texts by researching and writing about the life cycle of the sea turtle. 

They have been learning how to be successful note takers by employing the tic-tac-toe method that you can see in the photos below. 


Explanation texts, along with writing information texts, will be the main focus of a Writing tasks this term. 


Our Book Clubs are up and running again, with students excited to receive new novels to delve into. 


Grade 5/6’s are also throwing themselves into looking at the human impact on the natural world, and how extreme weather conditions can effect food production. This is part of our Integrated unit this term – Think Global, Act Local – in which students will consider what it means to be a global citizen, and how our actions can impact Earth’s environment positively or negatively. 


We are also looking forward to our excursion to the Melbourne Zoo in which we will be investigating the ways in which animals have adapted to suit their environments. Look out for more on that in our next newsletter! 


As you can see, it is going to be a busy term, and we are excited for it all!