News from the 3/4 Team...

The Blue Marble - Integrated Unit

This weeks edition is written by Colin C from 3/4B


Our current intergrated topic is "The Blue Marble". Students are required to learn about the earth and will be creating a poster or book and a triorama about an endangered Australian animal for our Rich Assessment Task later this term. This project must include what it eats, it's conversation status and habitats. Students are also encouraged to go deeper with this information.  We will also be sharing to our classes our individual projects.


So far we have also been doing some work on living, non-living, once living and product of a living thing. My class has discovered these objects and put them into categories: trees, flowers, bark and rocks. Here are a few pictures we took during our hunt for living, non-living, once living and product of a living thing:


In class, we have also been learning a lot about natural resources. The essential questions were: how do we use this resource? and how do we sustain this resource? We did this mini-project with partners. We researched a bit and learned about our natural material. Then we shared with our class the finished work which should include the answers of the two essential questions. Partners were chosen randomly by giving out index cards of the material with a picture. I can say that everyone enjoyed at least one of these activities. I certainly did!