From the 1/2 Classrooms

Edendale Farm Excursion - Monday 1st May

On Monday, the students in Grades 1 and 2, the teachers and the parent helpers had a fabulous day at Edendale Farm. 


This term's whole school concept is 'Sustainability' and the day at Edendale Farm was a wonderful way to immerse ourselves into learning about how we can look after the environment so that it is preserved for future generations.


Each class completed four activities. They were -

  • Soil Matters - we learnt about worms and composting. It was fascinating to learn how important worms are to the environment! Did you know that without any worms we wouldn't have fresh fruit and vegetables? Also, the natural oils on our hands can kill worms when we pick them up please rinse your hands in water before you do!
  • What a Load of Rubbish - we learnt the importance of putting our rubbish in the right bins and that there are 7 different bins (or places we can sort our rubbish into)! There is the rubbish bin (landfill), the recycle bin, the garden waste bin, the home compost bin, the technology waste bin for computers and phones (that is taken to Officeworks or local council), the battery bin (also taken to the local council or Officeworks), and the Op Shop to recycle unwanted clothes, toys and household items!
  • Growing Your Own - we learnt about seeds and different fruits and vegetables. We walked through a vegetable garden and saw pumpkins, beetroot, tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers growing. We also planted a seed and know that with the help of water, good soil and sunlight it will grow. At the end of the day, students took their planted seed home. The small pots that the seeds were planted in can be put straight into your garden. The cardboard container will decompose in the soil as the seed germinates and grows. 
  • Farm Tour - all classes had a wonderful tour of Edendale Farm and were able to meet and feed many different animals. Students saw and learnt about chickens including the Belgian Chickens with feathers on their feet. They met the goats including Vivaldi (a male goat) who wees on his beard  to attract the females. They saw cows and alpacas, and learnt that alpacas behave like guard dogs and will protect other animals on a farm from foxes. Students also fed the sheep, and at the end patted the guinea pigs which were for many, their favourite part of the day!


Some of the things students learnt -

  • I learnt that worms have a saddle on them. (Sebastian 1MC)
  • I learnt how to hold a worm. (Ives 1MC)
  • I learnt how to feed a goat. (Zoe 1MC)
  • I learnt about rubbish, plants, vegetables and that we have to wash our hands to touch the worms. (Emily 1JT)
  • I learnt that worms can have up to 15 baby worms. (Chloe 2LP)
  • I learnt bees have a bag on their legs to put their nectar in. (Matthew 2LP)
  • I learnt that worms have a saddle on their backs. (Alex 2LP)

 Some of the things students enjoyed - 

  • I enjoyed patting the guinea pigs and feeding the chickens. (Ingrid 1MC)
  • I enjoyed patting the guinea pigs and doing the running race. (Una 1JT)
  • I enjoyed looking at the goats and the chickens. (Arthur 1JT)
  • I enjoyed seeing the guinea pigs. (Freya 2DF)
  • I enjoyed collecting the chicken feathers. (Declan 2DF)
  • I liked holding the worms. (Huey 2DF)
  • I enjoyed looking at all the beautiful plants. (Olivia I. 2DF)
  • I enjoyed holding the worm. (Zachary 2LP)
  • I enjoyed feeding the animals. (Eva 2LP)

Some of the things students found interesting -

  • How big the cows are.  (Freya 1JT)
  • The alpacas act like guard dogs. (Charlie 1JT)
  • Alpacas keep foxes away from the other animals. John (2DF)
  • Never touch a boy goat's beard because they wee on it because the girl goats like the smell. (Isabel 2DF)

A huge thank you to the parents who volunteered to assist each class, we really appreciate your time away from your busy schedules. 


Edendale Farm  was a great day out, enjoyed by all. 


You may like to go there with your family. More information can be found on the link   It is open everyday from 10 to 4:30pm. 



From the 1/2 Team.