Active Travel

Walk and Wheel Wednesdays

Enjoying some fine Autumnal weather, it is great to see so many students walking and wheeling to school.  Last week, 5SG had an amazing 77% of students ditch the car and enjoy the fresh air as they walked to school with their friends.  Also, special mentions to 6JK, 6LK, 5NK, 5CE, 3/4B and 3/4R who all had over 50% participation.

A reminder that even if you live a drive away, we encourage parents to park their car a little further out and walk the final part of the journey.


This edition's Walk and Wheel poem comes from Bridget in 3/4R:


Walk and wheel,

Drive and peel.

I love walking and talking.

I can walk.

It is a good day to walk.

Let's all walk and wheel.


And our "Walk and Wheel" art gallery has beautiful drawings by Jordan, Ali and Una from 1JT.

Make the most of the sunshine - keep on walking and wheeling!