
BPPS is taking part in the ‘Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools’ program this year. 


What plastics can I bring in to be recycled?

Only bread bags can be brought in to be recycled as a part of this program. No other soft plastics please.

What bags can be recycled?

Any bread bags an be brought in and recycled. If your bag has had bread in it, it can be recycled in our program. Just shake out the crumbs and bring it in!


When do I bring my bags in?

NOW! The program runs throughout Term 2 with the final collection day on the 7th of July. 


Where do I put the bags?

In the pink Wonder Recycling box found in the office foyer. We will send the box off when it is full. We have 4 boxes to fill.

What happens to the bags?

The below image explains what happens to the bags collected:


What can our school gain from recycling bags?

Sports equipment! We will get to choose and order some FREE sports equipment for our School from RHSports at the end of the program. 


Thanks for your support, 

The Bread Committee from 3AT (Matthew, Daniel, Jamie, Ariana, Ferin and Mrs Thwaites)