Performing Arts


Whole School Production - Term 3

A reminder that in Term 3 of this year, BPPS will be staging a whole-school production, involving all students from Foundation - Grade 6. 


Our production will be held over two nights: Monday 24th July and Tuesday 25th July at the Besen Centre in Burwood. 


Grade 3-6 students will perform on both nights.


Students in FSR, 1MC and 2LP will perform on Monday 24th July.

Students in FKJ, 1JT and 2DF will perform on Tuesday 25th July.


If you know your child will be unable to perform in the production due to family holiday or otherwise, please let me know via email at your earliest convenience. 

Cast update

Well done to all students who auditioned last term. You should be immensely proud of yourselves for giving it a go, and putting such outstanding effort into your preparation. Congratulations to all students who were offered a role in the cast, and especially to the following students who will be performing a main role:


Sophie 5CE... Bobby Cobblestone 

Marcus 6LK... Cliff Cobblestone 

Emma 5NK... Coral Cobblestone 

Madeline 5CE... Crater

Oliver 5SG... Crevice

Beck 5NK... Creek

Maia 6CY... Lady Lava

Milla 5CE... Gravel

Luke 6LK... Juan 1

Alana 6LK... Juan 2

Holly 5SG... Juan 3

Soren 6JK... Wild Willie

Gemma 6JK... Rocky

Rehearsals update

Rehearsals for the cast have begun and it was great to see the enthusiasm of our students as they tackled their varying roles. I am still chasing quite a few acknowledgements of our rehearsal schedule and permission for students to attend rehearsals outside of school hours, so if your Grade 5/6 child has been offered a role in the cast or crew, please submit the google form that has been sent, or get in touch with me if you would like me to resend the form.


All students not in the cast or crew have begun learning their songs and dances during Performing Arts classes, and the music space has been a scene of much sound and movement! Keep an eye out on Seesaw as I will shortly be uploading the choreographed versions of each of the dances, so students can practise at home should they wish.


- Mrs Thomas