Principal Report

Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Active Bystander training

Students in Year 5/6 will be involved in a workshop next week, lead by the Department of Education’s Respectful Relationships team, on Active Bystanding. 


We can all contribute to a positive school experience by developing the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be active bystanders and safely challenge unacceptable behaviours eg. Racism, sexism, exclusion, bullying, lack of consent. 

Multiple ways of challenging unacceptable behaviours exist (not just directly intervening). Empowering students to take a stand when faced with things that go against school values is important to build their social and emotional skills. 

Students will consider why being an active bystander is important for Respectful Relationships and how to become an effective active bystander.  

All staff will also be engaging in a session on this topic in one of  our after-school meetings to support and continue to build upon students learning in this space.

Attitude to School Survey

At Boroondara Park PS we value student voice, and have over a number of years worked to build opportunities for student voice to be developed. Improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction are all supported by the development of student voice. 

The Attitude to School Survey is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. 


Students in Year 4 to 6 will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.

This year, the Attitude to School Survey will be conducted at our school from Monday May 8th to Friday June 9th. 

A letter was sent to all Year 4 to 6 families to provide information and an opportunity to opt their child out of the survey. A reminder you should email by Monday May 8th to let us know if you would like your child not to participate. 

Mother's Day Dinner

We hope all of the BPPS mothers attending the Mother's Day Dinner have a great time tonight. Thank you to the amazing organisers Samantha, Linda and Yana. You have worked hard to ensure our mums have a wonderful night. 

Mother's Day Stall 

Our Mother's Day Stall is being held on Friday May 12th. Gifts range from $2-$10 and each grade will have a time to visit the staff next Friday. 

Thank you to Doan, Rania and Cheryl for organizing the stall. Thank you to those who will support them on the day of the stall. 


Working Bee May 13th 

We are holding our first Working Bee on Saturday May 13th from 9am til 1pm. Our focus for this working bee will be on the school gardens. 


The QR code will provide you with the opportunity to let us know if you able to attend. We are also asking for a volunteer to coordinate the workers in one section of the garden. 


We will be having a sausage sizzle and hope to have a coffee cart available on the day. 

We look forward to seeing our community members working on our gardens on May 13th. 


Senior School Athletics 

Next Wednesday May 10th we are holding our Senior School Athletics. All of our year 3-6 students will be travelling to Tom Kelly Athletics Track, in Doncaster East. 

Students should arrive at school by 8:45am and will travel on a bus at 9:00am to the track. They will then return to school at approximately 2:45pm. 

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to assist on the day. We cannot run these events without your support. 

We wish all our students luck! 

Whole School Production 

At the end of Term 1 the cast and crew were announced for our whole school production of Rock Bottom on July 24th and 25th.  

This week they commenced after school rehearsals, we are really looking forward to this opportunity for all of our students to perform. 

Thank you to Emma and all of our students for the hard work they put in for auditions, we know it is going to be an exciting whole school event. 

Open Day May 18th

Education Week is from May 14th to 20th. Our school will be celebrating by holding our Open Day on Thursday May 18th, with tours taking place at 9.15am, 11.15am and 2.00pm. 

Foundation 2024 Information Night May 15th 

Our information night for 2024 Foundation students will take place on Monday May 15th at 7pm. This is an opportunity for new families to find out about the learning programs at Boroondara Park PS. 

Poisonous Mushroom Alert 

Victorian Department of Health Chief Health Officer on Wednesday 12 April 2023 issued a warning about the danger of consuming potentially poisonous mushrooms, particularly death cap mushrooms and yellow staining mushrooms. 


The toxin in death cap mushrooms remains even after cooking, peeling or drying. If ingested, poisoning can cause nausea, stomach cramps and/or long-term liver damage resulting in death.


Yellow staining mushrooms look similar to field mushrooms commonly found in supermarkets but can be harmful if consumed. Symptoms experienced after consumption include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea. The severity of symptoms varies with the amount eaten.

What to do if you find mushrooms on school grounds

Do not pick or eat wild mushrooms. Please let your children know about the dangers of these mushrooms and reinforce to them not to touch any mushrooms they find. Also alert school staff, our process should be:

  • while wearing gloves, pick and remove any mushrooms growing
  • carefully place mushrooms and used gloves in a bag and dispose of them in a closed rubbish bin
  • wash hands thoroughly.

Mushroom warning 


These mushrooms commonly grow in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. You can view images of the 2 poisonous mushrooms on the Better Health Channel's Mushroom poisoningwebpage.


BPPS Facebook and Instagram 

Don't forget to follow our social media accounts and see what is happening at school each day. Boroondara Park Primary School Facebook

Search @BoroondaraPark on Instagram to follow the school. 


Susanne Lowe
