
Garden Bed Renewal

It’s been a great season to renew and refresh our raised garden beds. Once again, our local Bunnings has been forthcoming with a great range of herbs and perennials. We have always had great support from the Notting Hill Bunnings, and the Activity Coordinator Natalie Otto hand delivered a variety of mints and berries. These will develop and establish over Winter and be ready to flourish in Spring. 

A happy, helpful handful of students prepared the garden beds by weeding and adding fresh soil during their lunchbreaks. They also spread the pea straw to help control weeds and protect the young plants from any future frosts.

Students from Year 4 were selected to assist with the planting of the donated plants. The Year 4 classes will be a vital part of the maintenance of the area. Many of the students who were selected also attend the OSHC program which also plays a part in the schools Sustainability program by attending to the garden, composting and caring for the chickens and worm farm. 


Our school chickens would also like to thank the families who are involved in the weekend and holiday feeding and general care. We value our community relationships. 


Marita Steward

Wonder Recycling Rewards

We are currently participating in the Wonder Recycling Rewards program until Friday 7 July (see the Health & P.E. report for more details). The Sustainability Captains will be reminding everyone to collect and bring their clean bread bags (they don't have to be Wonder brand) for the collection. The Sports Captains have promoted the program at Assembly, but we want to encourage everyone to help keep plastics out of landfill – with an added bonus of getting sports equipment for our school!  Please send your clean and empty plastic bread bags to school with your children to pop in one of the boxes (Office reception or in the Stadium).

World Sea Turtle Day

Friday 16 June is World Sea Turtle Day. The Sustainability team are running a Turtle painting/drawing competition for this day with entries due in by Friday 9 June.  

Please make sure your entry has your child's name and class on the back. Hand in to your classroom teacher or at the Office.

Lights Off Lunchtimes

The Sustainability Captains will soon be introducing a new initiative - ‘Lights Off Lunchtime’.  We're still working out the details, but the idea is that one day a week, all classrooms turn their lights off for an hour, from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. We will run a pilot and see how it goes. If there are no issues and it goes smoothly, we will expand it to every lunchtime later in the year. The idea is to reduce our carbon emissions and a bonus is that we save $$. We'll update you after our trial. 

Yogini Patel