Principal's Message
Welcome to the Newsletter
"nǐ hǎo" or 你好.
Hard to believe that the first eight weeks of Term 1 have been completed.The year has begun with calmness and there is a productive buzz about the place as students and teachers go about their core work of teaching and learning. As part of our 'First 20 Days' initiative, students have been getting to know each other and establishing routines that create environments conducive to great learning. Assessments are underway so that teachers can determine point of need so that student personalised learning can be delivered. Students are embracing our three school rules: I am Safe, I am Ready To Learn and I am Respectful. Literacy, numeracy and inquiry are all well underway. Specialist programs such as Science and Physical Education will be offered to all students for the whole school year. Due to staffing LOTE (Mandarin) is currently offered to Year Prep, 1/ 2 and 3/4 students and Performing and Visual Arts are provided for a semester of the year, across the school. On census day, Feb 28 we had 753 students enrolled at TSPS, which makes for a very large primary school- but what a wonderful school community it is.
As it is Harmony week this week, I would like to extend a warm acknowledgement to our school community as we celebrate and embrace our diversity.Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity.It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.We are a school community represented by more than 60 cultures and 80 languages. What a wonderful melting pot we make as we share our stories, traditions and heritage. I recognise our first peoples, the Wathaurong people of the Kulin nation and pay respects to their elders past and present. This week all students and teachers signed orange ribbons. Some wrote messages of hope and acceptance. These ribbons have been displayed along the school fence to show our wider community our acceptance and respect for self and others. "Diversity is the one thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day!"
Friday March 29th is going to be a huge day of athletics, movement and fun. It will begin with cross country events throughout the day- to be held along the Federation track that runs adjacent to our school. Come and support your children as they run in their house colours. For those not to sure about our house teams- the colours are red, yellow, purple and blue.The house names are Wilson, Johnson, Peters and O'Mara. I thank Lee Jarvis and Robbie Zammit for their preparation of this great day. In the late afternoon, our twilight move-a-thon will take place between 5-8pm. This is a great way for our community to come together to mix and mingle, move and groove and have some fun.This is a family event. We want to see all our families attend this event. Children are not to be dropped off and collected later as they are to be supervised by parents Students have been asked to seek sponsorship or donations for their effort in lapping the school oval throughout the evening. If you are not sure how sponsorship or donation works please see our video on Compass and Facebook. There are great prizes to be won. Please support us in this major fundraiser for the year. A huge thanks to Cass Beckman for the vision for this event and to Shirley Lamb and the Move- a- thon planning committee. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Prep 2020 Enrolments
Enrolments for children who will begin Prep in 2020 are now open. Children must have celebrated their fifth (5) birthday by April 30 2020 and the family must reside within our school neighbourhood zone. The zone map is available on our website. Enrolment packs are available from the front office.
Tours of our school for prospective families are available on the following dates:
May 1: 11.30-12.30 or 5.00-6.00pm
May 29: 11.30-12.30 or 5.00-6.00pm
June 19: 11.30-12.30 or 5.00-6.00pm
Aug 7: 11.30-12.30 or 5.00-6.00pm
Sept 18: 11.30-12.30 or 5.00-6.00pm
Bookings are essential for the tours.
Please call the office on 92961800 to make a booking for a tour or if you have any inquiries.
National Day Against Bullying and Violence- March 15
On March 15th our student leaders led a day of advocacy and empowerment as part of our participation in the National Day against Bullying and Violence. The theme, “Break the Pattern” sent a strong message, instilling in students the power of their voices in calling out behaviour which is not acceptable and which is harmful. Our school video generated a lot of interest within and beyond the community. The dress up day itself raised $460.00 which will be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. We were one of more than 2500 schools across Australia who took the pledge to "Break the Habit" and not be bystanders. Our student leaders are active participants in our school and are wonderful role models for our younger students.
An important conversation that we have to have as adults too is in the definition of the term 'bullying'. According to the ‘Bullying. No Way!’ website, the national definition for bullying in schools is defined as that which is “ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening”. Behaviours that do not constitute bullying include mutual arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance), not liking someone or a single act of social rejection, one-off acts of meanness or spite or isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence. From time to time, an issue may occur where a child feels aggrieved but in the normal course of life it is about working through conflict resolution in a manner that is respectful and restores the just. At TSPS, I believe we are proactive when assisting students who find themselves in these situations. However we have zero tolerance towards any behaviour that can have a lasting negative impact on a person. Let's make sure we use the label 'bullying' in the true sense of its meaning. Let's talk to our children about the strategies they can use to be strong, resilient and happy. A reminder about such organisations as Lifeline (13 11 14) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) which can also assist in such matters.
China Family Trip
Last week I extended an invitation to families at TSPS who might be interested in participating in our inaugural Chinese Family Tour early Term 4. We will be doing this in conjunction with Dohertys Creek. For the tour to run we will require a minimum of 15 participants (including principals, teachers, student, parent). The student must be accompanied by a parent. Initially it was felt that it should be open to students from Years 3-6 but as the student would be accompanied by the parent, I am happy to accept expressions of interest from families with students in P-2 as well. Thank you to the families who have already expressed their interest. We will host an information evening soon, if we get the numbers. See Compass and Facebook for itinerary and cost details.
by Monday April 1st. A parent information evening will be held at TSPS on Wednesday evening. I will be sending invitation to those families who have expressed an interest in being part of the tour in October.Please email me if you are interested.
School Council and Annual Report
On Wednesday March 20 we had a very busy evening with 3 meetings of Council (including Finance) and our Annual General Meeting at which our Annual Report was presented. The 2018 School Council held its final meeting and we farewelled Kirsten Duncan. Kirsten has been School Council President for a number of years and in that time she has been a tremendous supporter and advocate for the work we do at TSPS. Her counsel and guidance have always been valued and her passion and professionalism greatly appreciated. Her service is to be commended and her active engagement on Council will be missed. Thank you for your contributions Kirsten. In the first of the new 2019 School Council Meetings we elected office bearers and it gives me great pleasure to announce the following - School Council president Rhonda Velkovski, Vice President David Gibilisco and Treasurer ALex Tardif. Welcome to Magan Bhardwaj, Meenakshi Singh and Ange Demeca who are our new members of council.
I do draw your attention to an article that Kirsten shared with Council that can be found at the following link. An easy read worth having a quick look at.
Student Leadership
I am very proud of our Student Leaders. On March 7th, Stephanie Fishman, Leanne Yeo and Sienna di Battista attended the International Women’s High Tea afternoon along with a number of female staff members from TSPS. This event was hosted by MP for Lalor, Joanne Ryan. These students represented the school beautifully and heard some inspiring women from our community as they shared their stories. I also congratulate our student leaders who were responsible for the actions and activities hosted on the National Day Against Bullying and Violence. Excellent student voice and leadership. On Tuesday March 26, a group of students from 5/6 will be travelling to Rod Laver Arena to take part in a youth learning day as part of the Respectful Relationships Initiative. These students will engage with many students from many parts of Victoria whose schools are lead schools in this important work. That which they learn on this day of activity, will be brought back and shared with students from our partnership schools early on Term 2. Excellent and powerful student leadership.
Sustainability @ TSPS
On Friday April 5th (last day of Term 1) we will be holding a whole school assembly at which our school will receive it 5th and final Sustainability star.This assembly will commence at 1.15pm. Note the earlier time. Representatives from Environment Education Victoria and Resource Smart Schools will be present and we may have Minister for Environment, Lily D'Ambrosio in attendance. This is yet yo be confirmed. Regardless, this is wonderful recognition for our school . On Friday along with Vanessa Smith our Science Teacher I attended a Principal's Breakfast at the Werribee Free Range Zoo. Some of our students featured in a short video produced by EEV last year. As soon as the link is made available to the school, it will be posted onto our Facebook and Compass pages so you can share in their success.
One take away for me yesterday which i'd like to ask our community to consider is the following:
5 Things That Should Never, Ever Go Into Recycling Bins
Foamed Polystyrene
Meshed Produce Bags
Plastic bags
Credit and other plastic cards
waxed paper
Something for us all to think about.
YMCA School Holiday Program
please find included in this newsletter details about the School Holidays Program on offer at our own YMCA. Details about how to register are aslo included. Please consider.
Message from the Canteen
This term is flying by we will be on holidays again before we know it 😊
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about a few days that the canteen will not be open next term the following days of no trade are as follows.
April the 23rd, 24th and 26th (first week of term 2).
From Pauline
Canteen Manager
End of Term 1 and Beginning of Term 2 details
Term 1 will end on Friday April 5th. Students will be dismissed at 2.00pm after the special whole school assembly mentioned above.
Please ensure that arrangements are made so that all students who are to be collected are done so at this time, not the usual 3.00pm.
Term 2 begins on Tuesday April 23rd. Monday 22nd is the Easter Monday holiday. We have school on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24. Thursday 25th commemorates ANZAC DAY and school will not be open. School resumes Friday 26th April. A topsy turvy beginning to Term 2.
I ask you to also please note the following dates into your diaries/ calendars:
Monday May 20 and Tuesday May 21 - School Photo Days- (information to be sent home shortly)
Monday June 10th is the Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Friday June 21st is the Wyndham Combined Schools Curriculum Day
Students are not required at school on these two dates.
Yours in Education
Linda Danese (Principal)