Physical Education

Luke Bennett
Physical Education
Bike Education
Last week, all students in Years 4-6 participated in Bike Education.
Bike Ed aims to enable students to:
- Gain knowledge and understanding of the road traffic environment and the road rules
- Develop the physical and cognitive skills to manage the road traffic environment safely as a cyclist
- Improve responsible behaviours, attitudes and decision-making skills for the safe use of bicycles both on and off the road, through participation in enjoyable learning experiences relevant to their ages and abilities
- Advance their bicycle riding skills and their physical capability. Other benefits include enhanced health, fitness and wellbeing, confidence and independence and learning and social development.
It is vitally important that children have as much exposure to bike riding as possible. This consistent riding will improve skills, confidence and hazard perception skills. If your child is going to be riding to/from school next year, we highly recommend lots of practice over the summer holidays.
Decathlon Competition Winners
Thank you to the Kingswood community! We had the most membership sign ups for the new Decathlon Sports Store! We have recieved a gift card for over $400 and we will be purchasing sports equipment ready for the 2020 school year.