
Aaron Cox
Canteen Morning Tea
Please remember to sign up on Compass if you intend to participate in our tasting session with Fun Fresh Foods on Tuesday 10th December. We already have more than 25 parents wanting to attend. Registration closes early next week. Don’t miss out.
Staff Movements 2020
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following staff for the dedication and professionalism they have shown your children and our community over their time here at Kingswood. It is with a heavy heart we will say good bye to Ms. Alex Baxter, Ms. Oshin Pancholi, Mr. Martin Eden, Ms. Sanny Pillay, Mrs. Kylie Crebbin and Mr. Jack O’Brien. We wish them all well in their future endeavours. Mrs. Elise Carey (Hawkins) will be taking 12 months leave but will be returning in 2021. Finally, Mrs. Kristie Garner will also be leaving the school after 6 years of providing wonderful service to our children in our school canteen. We wish her the best of luck.
In 2020, we welcome back Mr. Ryan Nugent from 12 months leave, Mrs. Lisa Devereaux from maternity leave and new staff members Sharon Lomas (Learning Specialist), Ms. Natalie Selisher, Ms. Rachel Fisher-White and Mr. Kyle Moldrich. We are extremely excited about our school journey in 2020.
Staff Professional Development
Over the next few weeks all staff will be presenting evidence to support their 2019 Professional Development Plans. Like all industries with KPIs, teachers are no different. This is a time to celebrate successes with staff, and identify points of need moving forward. Please be mindful that teachers are under pressure to complete this process whilst assessing and writing reports. This is more around their dedication and diligence to leave no stone unturned.
I would like to personally acknowledge 8 staff members who are going to do 5 intensive days of professional learning in Multi-sensory Structured Language over the school holidays. This is an example of how dedicated Kingwood staff are to ensure we provide the best learning opportunities for your children. The staff attending are; Mr. Patrick Halpin, Ms. Neena Hunt, Ms. Jacqueline Smedley, Mrs. Kara Bogicevic, Ms. Marina Kallinikos, Ms. Lucy Chesters, Ms. Bree Morgan and Mr. Stephen Woolfe. A massive thank you to these staff members.
Rotary Birthing Kits
Thank you to our school community members and staff who volunteered their time to create birthing kits for Rotary at St Patrick’s in Mentone a few weeks ago. It is hoped that these kits will save the lives of 1600 mothers or their children in areas of the world that do not have appropriate hygienic conditions. Thank you Rotary for bringing this opportunity to our attention.
EarlyAct Auction
Congratulations to BenandKara (account name) who successfully won our LG auction. All funds raised have been approved by School Council and Dingley Rotary to be donated to our EarlyAct Team. We will hear next year how the students will spend the money to help others in need.
Quadrangle Update
Students, Parent Club and staff voted on the new games to be installed on our quadrangle over the summer break. I am excited to see how the children use their imagination and build collaboration skills when using these games.