Michael Kan
Michael Kan
Richard Long
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble
Lachlan Noble


All school camps planned for Term 2 (including the mid-year holidays) have been postponed, as directed by the Department of Education. We hope to reschedule these camps later in the year where possible once the school and travel restrictions have been lifted by the Victorian Government. We will communicate with families as soon as information comes to hand. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding during this challenging time.


During this time of flexible online learning, students need to be reminded about their agreement with the College’s Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct. As always, we expect McKinnon students to follow these policies at all times. We remind students that any discrimination, bullying or offensive language will not be tolerated. Students must only login with their own details and never with someone else’s username. It is expected that all online platforms are used in a safe and responsible manner.


VCE students are the only students to engage with Google meets, with some exceptions in special circumstances. A reminder to VCE students that there are protocols and expectations when using Google meets. This includes sitting in an open area of the house (not the bedroom), wearing appropriate dress, having their webcams turned on and microphones muted, and have a mature attitude towards their learning.  


Students and parents/carers need to check Compass each day for notifications. Information about the daily class tasks are available on the Compass schedule which both students and parents can access.  


Student Managers will be communicating with parents/carers if there are any concerns with a student’s online presence which includes inappropriate behaviour or non-completion of set work.  


Incidents have arisen recently where individuals have used social networking sites such as Instagram to post offensive and harmful material to students.  


Please discuss with your child their use of such social networks, including the risks associated with creating online 'friendships' with individuals they don't know in person. In addition, creating an online presence/profile that permits anonymous postings is extremely risky and should be strongly discouraged. Whilst we recognise that online communication and interaction is a big part of students' lives, we want to ensure they are also safe and responsible users of such technology. Online harassment via social networks can not only cause great damage to students' self-esteem, it is unlawful. 


For further support in this matter please refer to the schools advice around Cyber Safety Information for Parents