Student Reports

Year 2
Last Friday, we celebrated Galilee Day! The theme for this year's Galilee Day was The Joy of Giving. We all went to Mass at Sts Peter and Paul's and we donated non-perishable foods for the Capuchin kitchen.
In 2F, we cut out and designed a school on a net. A net is a pattern that you can cut and fold to make a model of a solid shape. We had 2 shapes, a rectangular prism (or cuboid) and a triangular prism. Once we cut them out, we folded them into their 3D shapes. This can be tricky to stick with glue, so we used some sticky tape as well! Next, we designed a mindful colouring in the shape of the letter G. We then stuck these on coloured card and at the end of the day received the gift of someone else's design to take home and colour.
In 2B, we designed what Galilee would look like in the future. We had to think about how many students would be there, what technology we would have and we even wrote down some teachers we would like there. We also wrote about all the things we love about our school! HAPPY GALILEE DAY!
Shared Stories Anthology 2018
On Tuesday 20th of November, Star of the Sea hosted the 13th Shared Stories Anthology, Live Simply, Simply Live.
Star of the Sea welcomed everyone before the launch with delicious tea, coffee and cakes. Before they officially opened this event, we listened to Star of the Sea’s amazing Stacella Choir perform many different songs and harmonies. They were brilliant!
The Anthology consists of poems, stories and art pieces, all of which have been written or illustrated by students from Year 2 all the way through till Year 12, across 25 Catholic schools in Victoria. I was very lucky to have been nominated and thrilled to have received an award for my written piece in the Anthology entitled, ‘Kimberley Grateful’. We got to listen to a couple of fantastic poems and stories by the authors themselves.
Our guest speaker to launch Shared Stories this year is best known for her role in AFL football as the President of the Richmond Football Club, Ms. Peggy O’Neal. Miss Romios and in particular Mr. Martello and I were very excited to hear and meet her (as we’re all Richmond Supporters).
Thank you to Miss Romios for making this day happen and I can’t wait for next year’s
By Siena 50
Ms Peggy O’Neal was born and raised in a small mining town in West Virginia in America. She studied law at the University of Virginia. Ms O’Neal moved to Australia in 1993 and settled in Richmond where she was introduced to football by friends. Ms O’Neal works as a lawyer with Lander & Rogers.