School News

Social Justice Book Drive
Ali and Bridget, the Year 5 Social Justice Leaders are doing a book drive for the Friars’ Bookshop in South Melbourne. We are asking you to bring in books that you no longer use.
Ali and Bridget will be standing out the front of the office taking in all of the book donations. We started this morning. We will be taking book donations every morning before school next week. All of the books that we take to the Friars’ Bookshop must be appropriate. The Friars’ Bookshop is run by Father Dean in the cafe near St Peter and Paul and raises money by selling the books to help those in need. We will be taking the books to the Friars’ Bookshop on the 7/12.
Father Dean also mentioned that the Friars’ Bookshop are looking for a few more helpers. The shifts are only an hour at a time. If you can help out on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday from 9:30 until 3:30 let Ali and Bridget know or email Father Dean on
Thanks for your support.
By Ali and Bridget
Galilee Parents Association
Name Change
Tuesday evening was the AGM for the Parents Association and we have voted in a new name! We are pleased to announce moving forward the organising groups for all social and fundraising activities at school is the Galilee Parents Association or GPA for short. This should be easier for all to remember.
Presidents Report
Take a moment to read the Presidents Report by Annalise Woolley for 2018!
Roles for 2019
Thank you to all those who attended the AGM and it was great to see the new DOGS chair, James McGann come along.
The GPA roles for 2019 will be held by:
President: Annalise Woolley (Prep & Year 2)
Vice: Jessica Conway (Year 4 & 2)
Secretary:Emma Keating (Prep & Year 2)
Treasurer: Maureen Wetzel (Year 2)
General Members: Chelsea Murrell (Year 2 & 5), Sally Callan (Year 4 & 6), Stephanie Stringer(Year 2 & 4), Jackie Scott (Year Prep & 2), Rebecca Giorgilli (Year 1 & 5), Agnes Sheehan (Year 2)
There will be a sub committee for the annual fundraiser and we are looking for many roles to be filled and lots of new faces to jump on boardnext year to learn the ropes. The roles are designed to facilitate more involvement without the overwhelming job of organising the whole event.
Major Fundraiser Co-ordinator: Annalise Woolley
Food and Beverage Co-ordinator:
Donations Co-ordinator: Emma Keating
Venue Co-ordinator:
Event Running Co-ordinator: Jackie Scott
Financial Operations:
Ticketing and Seating:
Sponsorship Manager: Bec Giorgilli
Graphic Design Co-ordinator:
If anyone is interested in being a lead for one of the roles or is interested to be part of a team please take a moment to read the attached document with the role descriptions.
Fundraising Efforts for 2018
Our Treasurer reported that the GPA with the support of the whole school community has raised over $41 400 in 2018. So far this has enabled the school to purchase the VR glasses and sport uniforms for when our students represent the school.
Christmas Carols at Galilee 5th December 5-7pm
Our annual Christmas Carols for 2018 is fast approaching! It is a wonderful night and this year each class is performing a song on stage. With food trucks, fresh juices, icy poles and a bar running take the night to come along and celebrate the year, friendships old and new, and all our children have achieved!
It’s a busy time of year and Year 5 have asked for some extra hands on deck to help volunteer on the evening. If you are able to give half an hour of your time or 20 minutes at the end of the night to help pack up please click on the roster link to sign up!
Sign up to Volunteer at:
Dad’s and Kids Camp
On the 17th of November, some Dads and kids from Galilee came down to Camp Wyuna in Queenscliff to have a fun filled weekend with our Dads!
When everyone arrived, we all settled in and we started getting into our fun filled activities. My group started with Mountain bike riding. It was a very cruising ride along the path and through the bushes. Next we went to Pizza Making. You got to choose from lots of different fresh ingredients. I made a delicious margarita pizza. Finally our last activity was Canoeing in Swan bay. It was a fantastic view! Unfortunately we didn’t see any marine life but we had a great time just relaxing along the lake! There were three groups in total and every group participated in every activity. We had an awesome day but we were definitely ready for dinner!
After that, we were all ready for dinner. So we got into some comfy clothes and sat in front of the fire eating a delicious BBQ. After, we toasted some marshmallows! Some children burnt them and some children wanted a crispy one. Some of the marshmallows were bigger than the little kids heads! What!
Everyone had the best time at the camp and it was an enjoyable weekend for all! Thank you to Camp Wyuna for making us feel so welcome and the great activities they had!
By Siena