Education in Faith

Confirmation at St Peter and Paul's
Congratulations to the Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday the 25th of November at St. Peter and Paul’s. We thank Father Dean, the Year 6 parents, teachers and staff for preparing the students so well. It was a beautiful service led by Bishop Elliot. Bishop Elliot spoke about the Kingdom of God and that we are a royal priesthood, a people set apart. There are two kingdoms-the kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God. Once we are spirit filled we can walk using the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit in the world to bring heaven on Earth. We pray for all the newly confirmed that they will use their gifts and talents to make the world a better place every day of their lives.
Galilee Day
On Friday the 23rd of November, Mass was celebrated at St. Peter and Paul’s (SPP) for Galilee Day. A massive thanks to all families for bringing in non perishable items of food to donate to the kitchen of the Capuchin Friars in South Melbourne at SPP. This link gives a small indication of the amazing work they faithfully do to be the hands and feet of Jesus showing love and compassion towards the poor, homeless and hungry. Thank you to those families who also donated a toiletry item. It was wonderful hearing how the grades celebrated Galilee Day with the 'Joy of Giving' to others. Happy birthday Galilee!
Date: 2 Dec 2018 – 24 Dec 2018
December 2nd 2018 marks the beginning of Advent. Advent is the preparation time before Christmas, similar to Lent being the preparation time before Easter. This link will assist you with a video and information about the Catholic Traditions of Advent- Advent
With your family you may wish to create an Advent wreath and light a candle for each week of Advent.
God so loved the world that he gave His only son, Jesus. You may like to create an Advent calendar and delight in creating ways you can all enjoy the ‘Joy of Giving’ to each other, the school, the parish and wider community as you journey together through Advent.
You may like to display the Nativity scene in a place of prominence in your home as a focus on the coming of the promised Messiah, Jesus. Jesus is the reason for the season!