Year 7 News

Orientation Day

Last week we welcomed the Year 6 students to St Norbert College who will be joining us in Year 7 next year. Throughout the day, students met other students from different schools and became more familiar with what’s it like to be at the College. They had lots of fun participating in different activities organised by teachers and student leaders. The Orientation Day was a great opportunity for students to become more comfortable and confident with starting at St Norbert College.  Thank you to all students and staff who assisted with the Orientation Day.

First Aid Program

This week the Year 7 students participated in the “First Aid Focus” Program conducted by a trainer from St John Ambulance. Thank you to Claire who led each of the Year 7 classes in the program. Students were provided with the opportunity to be equipped with the first aid skills they need, especially if faced with a medical emergency. The course was fun and informative with hands-on techniques and demonstrations.

St Joseph's Visit

On Wednesday, four Year 7 students from the College presented a talk to the Year 6 students at St Joseph’s School about their insight into starting secondary school. Lance Moratalla, Angela George, Levi Chang and Joyal Shyju shared information, experiences and advice about what to expect in Year 7. It was great for the Year 6 students to hear from four of their fellow ex-students. Well done and thank you to Lance, Angela, Levi and Joyal.


Year 7 2019

Congratulations to our Year 7 students who have completed their first year at St Norbert College.  The Year 7 students have made a wonderful start, where they have met new friends and enjoyed being involved in a variety of activities at the College.  Thank you to all staff, students, parents and the College community for their hard work, help and support to make the Year Sevens transition into secondary school as comfortable as possible. 

I wish you all a Happy and Holy Christmas and a safe and enjoyable holiday.


Miss C Abel (Head of Year Seven)