Assistant Principal News

As a result of the evolving Coronavirus situation, for the remainder of Term One whole school events such as Harmony Day celebrations and College Masses have been postponed to ensure that our community does not gather in large numbers. All sporting events, excursions and academic activities requiring large gatherings have been cancelled and we are encouraging students to be mindful of their interactions with each other e.g. hand shaking. We are also deterring members of the public from visiting school grounds. As a result of this our Parent/Teacher/Student conferences scheduled for Week 11, will be postponed. If you have any questions regarding the situation, please refer to the letter sent to parents earlier this week or contact the College directly.


As a result, this week the Staff and Leadership team at MCC have been developing processes and platforms ready in the event of any closure. Please be reassured that should students need to work from home at any stage in the future, the College will still provide ongoing communication and learning for each class through Google Classroom, Google Meet and Google Hangout. Through these mediums we aim to provide a continuity of learning for students to ensure that momentum, engagement and progress continues for all students.


Staff are also currently finalising Interim Reports for students in Years 7 - 11. These reports provide an update on student progress in the following areas:

Application in Class - How effectively the student is applying themselves in class activities and tasks

Learning Achievement - The actual progress the student has made and demonstrated in their learning so far this year

Homework - How diligent and punctual the student has been in completing home learning and assignments to the best of their ability

Classroom Behaviour - The behaviour and respect demonstrated by students in class. Their Interaction with teachers and students along with their general work ethic

These reports will be made available to parents on Monday March 30 (Week 10) through Compass. If you wish to further discuss these reports and your child’s progress please phone the classroom teacher.


Please note NAPLAN has been cancelled for 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions.  Hence the planned practice tests for Monday and Tuesday will not occur.  Students will attend classes as per normal on these days.


Yours in Learning,

Lora Segrave and Damien Herb

Co Assistant Principals