Principal's Report

17th May


Our Year 3 and 5 students have commenced annual NAPLAN testing this week. Our school, along with around 50% of other schools across Australia are completing NAPLAN online this year. Contrary to reports in the media or from other schools we have had only a few minor issues transitioning from paper based tests to the online platform so far. Thanks to Ms Richards and the Year 3 and 5 teachers who have spent many hours preparing for and the organising the NAPLAN tests in the last few weeks. 


Our Year 5 students will complete their testing today and the Year 3 students will finish next Wednesday. Our school made a decision to spread the testing over two weeks to give us time to manage any issues as they arose. Good luck to our Year 3 and 5 students as they complete their NAPLAN tests. 



Just another reminder to the community regarding the parking regulations and signs around the school.

  • Front of the school along Whites Lane: 2 minute parking only, the driver must stay with the car
  • Along Threadbow Drive by the school: 2 minute parking only, the driver must stay with the car
  • Obey permit and other signage in nearby streets
  • Follow the 40 kilometres an hour speed limit around pick up and drop off times
  • Drive carefully, slowly and with consideration for other drivers
  • Be aware of parking inspectors from Monash Council that will be around in the next few weeks










New Cubby and Sandpit 

The new cubby and sandpit by the gym was completed last week and as you can see from the photos it is already very popular with the students. This area is reserved for junior students in Year Prep - 2 and replaces the aging play equipment that was removed from the school when the new portable was allocated from the Department of Education. The gaga pit and another sandpit have also been relocated towards the back of the oval along Threadbow Drive. This area is now being used by senior students in Year 3-6. Plans for upgraded and additional playground equipment are currently underway and we hope to have these finalised by the end of the term.


Prep Enrolments 2020 

Just a reminder if you are planning on enrolling your child at Wheelers Hill Primary School next year please pick up an enrolment form from the office or download one from the website. Please return it to the office as soon as possible as we are having very strong interest in prep enrolments again. We anticipate that approximately 100-105 prep students will be enrolled in 2020 which will be split into 5 classes of 20-21 students. 


School Review Parent Survey

In Term 3 our school will be participating in a School Review. This occurs every four years and is a part of our ongoing School Improvement Cycle. We collect data from many sources to reflect on the last four years at WHPS and to help improve and inform the future directions of our school. We would greatly appreciate your feedback by answering the questions in the survey link below.

We will use your responses to help prepare and inform us for the review. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.


Michael Ramsey
