OSHC Information


Vacation Care Program

We are fully booked for the September Vacation Care program and looking forward to a great time


Direct Debit Payment System

Many families have taken the Direct Debit payment option and it is now running smoothly for families

Forms will be emailed out again on Monday if you have not had the chance to sign up.

Thanks you to those families who have sign-up and have been patient while we sorted out the teething issues early on



Across the term the children have been involved in an number of Cultural activities that have seen them making lanterns for Mid – Autumn Moon Festival, painted doves for International Day of Peace and drew themselves in their community for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Day.





 Junior Program

This term some of the Prep children have participated in Dr Bruce Hurst’s research project. This project has seen them involved in taking photos and discussing what they like about OSHC

Our children have been involved in many activities across the term such as making wooden coasters for Father’s Day, Meditation and Yoga as well as creating many things in Steiner and Collage areas which has been very busy with creativity.


Middle Program

The children have been enjoying a range of activities this term and enjoying the finer weather outside. Activities have included group games like egg and spoon races, sack races and chicken throwing. Crafts have included knitting, pompom making and macramé keyrings for Father’s Day.

Dramatic play in the Café and cooking in the kitchen have continued to be popular with the children preparing the next day’s afternoon tea.

The past fortnight the children have been buzzing with excitement about the Art Show and the artwork they collaborated on in OSHC this term. As we had use of the portable building, the children played small table games such as Othello and Connect 4 and some Grade 4 children made a short News desk segment which they wrote, directed and filmed their self.


Senior Program

This term the children have started to do more cooking that has now inspired more students to do themed cooking. Harry potter cooking is a thing apparently

The group has also been enjoying their projects with many finishing them for the term and some getting researching and planning next terms projects


From the OSHC Team