School News & Information

GOSH has Book week now and we are making a lot of interesting things: popup books, flip books, friendship flowers, of course bookmarks and wordless book story.
Our dear children are actively engaged not only in the craft activities but in the sport too: Jensen, Jaxson, Millie, Oliver, Zoe, Adele, Sarah, Charley, Abigail and others are testing each other and Ryger in skipping and basketball. Usually they win
Last update about coordinators in GOSH: during my maternity leave Gemma will coordinate and we won't have any extra person, consistency is very important!
Friendly early reminder that Holiday Program bookings are already open and you can book children
TheirCare Customer Survey
Thank you to all the families that responded to our recent customer survey. Over 500 of you took
the time to let us know your thoughts and the feedback provides critical insight into what we do
right and areas we can improve.
We asked your opinion on educator engagement, resources used in the service, service
presentation, level of fun and our holiday programs. Overall, we rated at or above 90% positive satisfaction for each area which is really encouraging. Less than 1% of responses were ‘not happy’ about our efforts and 9% of families thought we could do better and provided some really useful suggestions and reminders of what you want.
Some of the things you reminded us you want to see at service included:
-A formal greeting makes you feel welcome
-You like to see a range of activities that include outdoor play and structured activities
-To include activities aimed at the older children in the service who have different needs to
younger children
-Spaces must be clean but also warm and welcoming (by including examples of artwork
created by your children)
-Educators should be actively engaged in play with your children
We received feedback on our holiday program as well, with suggestions and requests for more
excursions and making excursions longer in duration. Some families also wanted more structured activities in addition to the main excursion or incursion planned. We have already taken this feedback on board and added a ‘Super Excursion’ to our Spring holiday program at most services.
We have also provided visibility in our holiday program material of other planned activities that will keep children engaged for the whole day and so you know what to expect.
We always welcome input, whether that is collected in surveys, passed on to our team members at service or calling our customer support team. Our focus is on providing the best service to your children and families so if there is something we can do to make your experience better please let us know.
The Dads and Kids Camp
SAT 16th - Sun 17th Nov
The Dads and Kids Camp
Date: Saturday 16th November - Sunday 17th November
Where: Camp Wyuna, Queenscliff Victoria.
Tickets on Sale through on the 29th August at 10:00am. A website link will be supplied at a later date. Securing your place on camp requires payment in full at the time of booking.
More details including cost etc, will be released shortly, we are just finalising them now.
The camp is open to all grade groups of current children of Galilee.
If you have any questions please contact me.
A fantastic weekend of activities and challenges aimed at increasing family and school community bonds.
We hope to see the old DOGS who have made previous years a success and many new faces to continue this great tradition.
(We will do our best to accommodate all that want to come along, however the camp does have a cap on numbers and based on previous years people may miss out. Strictly first to book policy.)
Regards James McGann
Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser
DOGS - Dads of Galilee
Bunnings Port Melbourne
14th September 2019
If any dads can help out for an hour or more on the day between 8am and 4pm, please call the school office. We still have 17 time slots to fill, so we would be grateful for some more help. 96992928