Learning and Teaching

Year One
In Year One, we have been learning about measurement. We have learned how much can fit inside a jar. We filled our jars to show empty, half full and full. We also hefted items to see which is heavier or lighter. Check out the photos of our own scales!
On Tuesday, 21st August, Galilee celebrated Grandparent's and Special Friend's Day. We made a special craft for them to take home. It says, 'I love you to pieces!' Thank you to all the Grandparents and Special Friends that came to visit Year One.
Speak With Power
The Year 5 students will begin the first of six sessions of Speak with Power tomorrow. The program content consists of the following:
Conducting a Formal Meeting: The Roles and their function – MC, Listening Monitor, Static Monitor, etc. These are similar to Toastmasters responsibilities but with a friendly and fun kid orientation that heightens the involvement of all.
Formal Speeches: Three speeches (with limited research) will be set and the last two rigorously evaluated. The final speech will be delivered on Presentation Day.
Speech Construction: The Golden Rules of structuring a speech for maximum impact will be taught including generating ideas, introductions, conclusions and sign posting.
Delivering Impromptu Speeches: Instant structures, powerful techniques and ways to build punch lines that will impress judges.
Evaluations: Learning through teaching - students embed their knowledge by celebrating and suggesting improvement in others.
Advanced techniques: Presentation and props, Body language, Vocal variety, The Senses, Etiquette, Dealing with stress and The Correct and Beautiful Use of Language.
SRC Excursion
On Wednesday the 14th August, 6 lucky students from Galilee’s SRC went to the Bastow Institute’s ALTER training program to learn about how to be a better leader at school. The day was run by The Victorian Student Representative Council (VIC SRC) and high school students who are senior members.
Firstly we received brightly coloured paper with questions and sat at a table with students who had the same coloured paper as us. The point of the exercise was for us to get to know students from other schools.
After this we discussed what ALTER means. ALTER stands for Ask, Listen, Think, Enact and Reflect. We use this as a guide to help us listen and understand other student’s ideas which is our role in the SRC. Next we thought of what we did well at school so we could share this with other schools. Kilmore Primary School were keen to come up with ideas to improve sustainability in their school and they liked our ideas about Nude Food and our Sustainability Market. We also went on a learning walk around the tables to learn about what initiatives other schools have introduced.
After this we brainstormed ideas that we could use to improve our school. We then learned the types of questions we can use in a survey such as “Do you strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree or Strongly Disagree?”
We will use these questions in a survey which we will conduct at school soon. This is our homework before our next training with the SRC in two weeks.
Dendy Athletics
On Monday 19 August, students who were selected to participate in Dendy Athletics based on their performance at Galilee’s Athletics Day, boarded a bus headed to Duncan McKinnon Athletics track in Murrumbeena. I was selected for the 100m sprint, Shot Put and 100m relay for girls in the 11 year old age group. I was really nervous and had to wake up extra early as I had basketball training at 7.30am. I then had to be ready to meet up in the school hall at 8.10am before boarding the bus. On a normal day I usually don’t even wake up until 7.30am! Once we got to the track, we all took our seats in the grandstand with all our Galilee team. There were quite a few events before my first event, including the 800m running races. This made me even more nervous! We all cheered on our school mates. Finally they called all 11 year old girls and boys for the 100m race over the loud speaker and I had to assemble on the track. I was in the first girls heat. When the gun went off I had a shaky start, everyone raced forward and I felt like I was at the back. But I put in all the effort that I could possibly put in to boost myself faster and I ended up in 3rd place! I was really happy with my result and really excited to collect my 3rd place ribbon. I still had my shot put and relay event to go, but I felt a lot more relaxed after my race and could enjoy the day more after it. I competed in the shot put and got a 2nd place ribbon which was really exciting as there were some really good throws by girls from the other schools. Towards the end of the day the relays began. Our team had Willow, Lara, Tina and I.
We came 5th and we all put in great effort against some fast competition. I really enjoyed cheering on all of the Galilee athletes from the grandstand during the day and supporting my friends during the day. My result in Shot Put has gained me a place in the next event called Beachside which is on 6 September.
by Mietta G (Year 5)
Beachside Athletics
Congratulations to the following students for progressing through to Beachside Athletics on 6 September:
-Charles K (Year 5) - 100m and 80m hurdles
-Joseph P (Year 6) - 80m hurdles
-Dane G (Year 4) - 100m and Discus
-Laura S (Year 4) - 200m
-Bridget S (Year 6) - 200m
-Oliver O (Year 4) - 1500m
-Adele D (Year 5) - Shot put
-Lara N (Year 4) - High jump
-Mietta G (Year 5) - Shot put
Also, congratulations to Dylan L (Year 6) for making the Victorian State Football team. Good luck to Dylan on 6 September.
Galilee's Herb Garden
Our herb garden in Learning Street is going strong! We have students working in Garden Club once a week to help maintain our Garden. We have had lots of weeds - especially after rainy days. We had a special guest visitor to Garden Club last week - Jimmy! He came with garden gifts: some worms, compost and coffee grinds for our little worm farm. Thanks for coming to Garden Club Jimmy.
We we have any more green thumbs in the school community, please get in contact with Miss Fahy. We are happy to have help and advice!