Rush House News

Mr Adam Knight

The year for Rush House has been a busy and frenetic one. It started at the start of the year when our Year 7s were welcomed into the House, and had a wonderful experience on camp.

House competitions have been approached with the typical Rush spirit – getting in there and giving it a go! Our theatre sports team were very entertaining, and it was heartening to see the older boys getting the younger boys to the line in the swimming carnival.

The senior formal was a wonderful occasion when our young men and their partners looked magnificent.

The major push during Term 1, however, was our contributions to the Lenten appeal. With the Year 7 and 8 Dance and the raffle a huge success, we hope Marist Solidarity continue to provide for those who are at the margins of the global community. This term, we had a large attendance at the ANZAC Day march, our Year 7s and 9s are preparing for NAPLAN, the Year 9s are currently preparing for camp, our Year 10s are dancing, and our Year 11s are starting their journey in becoming leaders. Busy times!


It has been a big start to the year, which will certainly gain momentum this term as we approach major assessment, in amongst a busy term for cultural activities and sport. It is a great thing we have, as the boys learned last week, the “Unconquerable Spirit” as our House motto!


Inspiritu Invictus