From the School Leadership Team,

From Mrs. Walker,

Assistant Principal


Today is my last day at CJC and I’d like to take the opportunity to say thank you and goodbye. While my chapter here has been a short one, it has been full of adventure, laughs, good times and lovely memories. It has been a privilege to work in such a unique school, a truly bilingual (or more accurately, multi-lingual) school. Caulfield Junior College is certainly a school like no other, and I have learned a lot in my time here. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching, learning and leading alongside the students and staff over the last 11 months. This photo is a delightful souvenir of the CJC smiles that greeted me everyday. I look forward to keeping in touch with the goings-on in the future and I hope to teach the students at my new school some of my very limited French that I take with me.


Au revoir, adieu, farewell, goodbye for now.


Mrs. Walker

From Mr. Chant,




Welcome back to school. 


This morning was an exciting return to school for our students, staff and the entire CJC community.


Please remember to drop off and collect your children from the gates around the school.


Also, please remember that this coming Monday, 14th June is a public holiday.  


The COVID distancing rules continue to apply on site, as does the check in using QR codes for visitors at the office, the mandatory wearing of masks around the school and in the wider community for all those over 12 years of age and the hand sanitising requirements will all assist us in arresting the spread of the COVID virus across the state.


Thank you to all the families that have returned the devices that were borrowed over lockdown.  We are preparing them for use in the  classrooms.


Sadly today we farewell our assistant principal, Nadia walker. Nadia is relocating with her family to regional NSW. We are saddened to say goodbye and on behalf of the students, the community and the staff we wish you a very smooth transition to your new home and good luck for the future. Your work across the school in such a short time has enabled us to move forward with curriculum planning, assessment processes and enhanced collaboration protocols for all our learning and teaching teams.


Reports are being completed at the moment and these will be available to our families on Friday afternoon, June 18th. These will be on Compass and families can access these reports for use at their Parent Teacher conferences. Bookings for these conferences open today and close next Wednesday. Bookings are made on our Compass platform and all information and instructions required were sent via Compass today.


We had some very busy students during the lockdown period. Rhythm from year 1 made a

whole collection of bookmarks to share with students in the library. He handed them over to Trudy this morning!! Our preps continued to take on the challenges of home learning and have all returned to school ready for the busy day ahead.


Many thanks must go to our parents and friends who quickly returned to the expectations and challenges of home learning – in addition to managing their own workplace requirements. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by everyone here at CJC.


The recent windy and wet weather has proved to be a real challenge for many businesses and homeowners who have suffered damage and for all those who are still without power. Fortunately our school has survived these wild weather events with little or no damage, water leaks or destruction. We just have lots of leaves to pick up around the playground.


The colder weather means we need to wear coats, gloves and hats to school. Please make sure the coats are clearly named and make every effort to have children in the right uniform.


Warm coats also allow us to move outdoors where practical and ensure ventilation of classrooms.



From Mme. Pommier,

French Director.


Chers parents et tuteurs,


C’est un vrai plaisir de revoir les élèves retrouver leurs amis et leurs professeurs.

Dans les jours qui suivent, notre objectif sera de rétablir les routines de classe et de permettre aux élèves de retrouver leurs repères.


Malgré les changements imprévisibles intervenus au cours des derniers jours, nos équipes préparent les célébrations de Bastille Day qui auront lieu prochainement. Cette année, le 14 juillet pourra être fêté à l’école, lors de la date officielle. Réservez vite la date dans votre calendrier. 

Dès aujourd’hui vous pourrez réserver sur Compass vos entretiens semestriels avec les

professeurs de votre(vos) enfant(s).


C’est l’occasion parfaite d’échanger avec les professeurs sur les progrès de votre(vos) enfant(s) et de faire le point sur les axes d’amélioration prévus au semestre prochain.


Pour la première fois ce semestre, les professeurs spécialistes français, Mme Lewis, Mlle Baqué et Mme Duimovich, seront disponibles pour les entretiens parents/professeurs. Un email sur Compass vous sera envoyé pour vous faciliter la réservation de votre entretien.


Voici le témoignage de quelques élèves:


« J’aime les cours d’Histoire avec Madame Lewis parce qu’on apprend l’Histoire de France, et que c’est unique à cette école d’apprendre l’Histoire de France en Australie. » (Anneliese, CM2)


« J’aime l’Histoire car j’ai appris les chiffres romains, ce n’est pas trop difficile, juste adapté à mon niveau. » (Siena, CM2)


Bon weekend !

Caroline Pommier



Dear parents and carers,


It is a real pleasure to witness out students reuniting with their friends and teachers again.

In the coming days, our goal will be to re-establish our classroom routines and allow the students to orient themselves.


Regardless of the unforeseeable nature of the events in recent days, our teams are preparing for the upcoming Bastille Day celebrations. This year, the school will be able to celebrate on the official date, July 14. Please reserve the date in your diary. 


As of today, you will be able to book your mid-year parent-teacher

conferences via Compass.

This is the perfect opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher and bring forward the improvements to focus on in the next semester.


For the first time this semester, our French specialist teachers, Mme. Lewis, Mlle. Baqué and Mme. Duimovich will also be available to meet with you. An email will be sent via Compass to secure your booking(s).


Here are two testimonies from our students:


“I like my history lessons with Mme. Lewis because we learn about French history, and this is unique to our school, to learn French history in Australia.” - Anneliese, Grade 5.


“I like history because I learned about the Roman numerals, it is not too difficult, it is well adapted to our level." - Sienna, Grade 5


Have a great weekend!

Caroline Pommier