Coming Events

Term Dates 2021
Term 1:
27th January - Student Free Day
Staff Professional Development
28th January - First day for all students
Last day of Term 1: 1st April
Term 2: 19th April - 25th June
Term 3: 12th July - 17th Sept
Term 4: 4th Oct - 17th Dec
Note: dates correct at the time of publishing
4th Friday
Year 11 & 12 Students Return to Onsite Learning
9th Wednesday
College Council Meeting 6:30pm
11th Friday
Year 7 -10 Students Return to Onsite Learning (to be confirmed)
14th Monday
Queens Birthday Public Holiday
School Closed
15th Tuesday - Friday 25th
Year 11 VCAL Structured Workplace Learning
15th Tuesday - Friday 25th
Year 10 & 11 Exams
Year 12 Practice Exams
25th Friday
School will finish at 2.30pm finish
12th Monday
First day of Term 3. Semester 2 Classes begin.
23rd Friday
Semester 1 Reports Published
28th Wednesday
College Council Meeting 7pm
2nd Monday
Staff Professional Learning Day
No Classes
Office Closed
2nd Monday - Friday 13th
Year 12 VCAL Structured Workplace Learning
4th Wednesday
Soccer Gala Day 7-9
16th August Monday -3rd September, Friday
Year 11 VCAL Structured Workplace Learning
6th Monday
Parent Teacher Interviews
No Classes
8th Wednesday
Year 7 Immunizations
11th Saturday - 17th Friday
Year 10 Camp
17th Friday
4th Monday
First day of Term 4
8th Friday
Parents & Friends meeting 9am
13th Wednesday
College Council meeting 7pm
18th Monday
Year 12 Practice Exam
20th Wednesday
Last day of classes for Year 12s
21st Thursday
Last day for Year 12s
27th Wednesday
Unit 3/4 VCE VCAA Exams begin
and continue until Wednesday 17th November
29th Friday
Parents and Friends meeting 9am
1st Monday
Staff Professional Learning Day
No classes
EXCEPT for students sitting Unit 3 / 4 VCE VCAA exams
2nd Tuesday
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
10th Wednesday
College Council Meeting 7pm
15th Monday
Year 11 Exams begin
17th Wednesday
Last day of Unit 3 / 4 VCE, VCAA exams
18th Thursday
Year 12 Formal
19th Friday
Year 11 Exams finish
22nd Monday
- Year 10 Exams begin & finish on Friday 26th
- Year 11 into 12 Orientation - all week
24th Wednesday
Year 12 Graduation
26th Friday
Parents & Friends Meeting 9am
29th Monday
Year 10 into 11 Orientation - all week
7th Tuesday
Grade 6 into Year 7 Orientation Day
8th Wednesday
College Council meeting 7pm
13th Monday
End of Year Activities all week
15th Wednesday
Presentation Night
17th Friday
12.30pm finish
Office closes 1pm
Term Dates 2022
Term 1:
28th January - Student Free Day
Staff Professional Development
31st January - First day for all students
Last day of Term 1: 1st April
Term 2: 19th April - 25th June
Term 3: 12th July - 17th Sept
Term 4: 4th Oct - 17th Dec