From the Principal Class 

Lockdown 4.0!

Our school  has been very quiet in recent weeks and largely empty of its students and staff as, once again, we moved into a period of lock down. Our Year 11 and 12 students resumed onsite learning from 4 June 2021 and hopefully, we will be back all together by Friday 11 June 2021.  In the meantime, our teaching and education support staff have been working very hard during remote and flexible learning as well as the transition back to onsite learning.  


We recognise what a significant disruption this is for all of us as students, parents/carers, and workers; and the impact it can have on learning and wellbeing in our work and personal lives. Please be assured that our staff are doing everything they can to ensure that your children are prepared for and supported during online learning, including in relation to their wellbeing.


It is really important that you get in touch with your child’s Year Level Leader in the first instance if you have any concerns whatsoever about these things.

End of Term Information

Due to Covid-19 restrictions and disruptions in how we still operate as a college, exams for students in Years 10 - 11 will run for Semester 1 and these have now been changed from Thursday 3 June to Tuesday June 15 2021. The Year 12 Practice Exams will also run from Tuesday 15 June.  The GAT for Year 11 and 12 students undertaking a Units 3/4 study has been delayed and will not take place on Wednesday 9 June 2021. Information on the new date for the GAT will be communicated as soon as we know.


Year 11 VCAL students two-week Structured Workplace Learning block in Weeks 8 and 9 will be moved at this stage to Weeks 9 and 10 unless DET informs us this week if it still cannot run from 15 June 2021.


Semester 2 will now commence for all students in Week 1, Term 3 as part of the Assessment and Reporting changes we have now needed to implement. A new timetable will commence on this day. Unit 2 and 4 studies will also commence next term.


The last round of the student progress reports will be undertaken over Week 10 Term 2 and Week 1 Term 3 as well in as the teacher judgements in line with the Victorian Curriculum Standards. Student’s summative assessment grades and teacher judgements will then be collated and pushed through to an end of semester report format. Student feedback on the actual summative task is provided through the learning Tasks Module in Compass. Reports will be available to parents through Compass in Week 2 Term 3.

H.o.L Launch!

On Wednesday 19 May 2021, our Hands on Learning Program was officially launched with an opening attended by students, parents, teachers, support staff and the Hands on Learning program coordinators. The official launch was also attended by Dr Daniel Mulino MP. The Minister's office was instrumental in supporting the college in gaining funds to help set up the program including materials needed to build the area where students will be learning from each week.

The program has enabled students to learn outside of the normal classroom in a highly structured collaborative environment. Goal setting, self regulation and collaboration has been a real focus within the program. Already students have experienced success as well as the completion of many projects around the school. Congratulations to all students involved in the program as well as to Monica Marsiano, Con Katselis, Maria Tsatalios and Louisa Norwood for all their work and planning for the program.  Below is also a article written by the HoL team about our official launch and program.

Fraser Young Leaders Award Winners

Congratulations to Amelia Mavrelis and Daniel Karanfilovski  on winning this year's Fraser Young Leaders award. The award recognises the efforts of students entering Year 12, who demonstrate strong community spirit, both within and outside their school environment. Well done to you both!


IDAHOBIT Day was celebrated by TLSC staff and students on Monday 17 May 2021. The event was celebrated with a week of lunchtime activities in our Inclusion Building celebrating the LGBTIQA+ community and TLSC’s commitment to inclusion. Students and staff participated in various activities, from, biscuit making, trivia quiz and lunch.  A huge thank you to all involved, including, the Student 'Safe' Group and Ms Winnacott. 

Student Expected Behaviours

The College is currently placing great importance in restating our College values of Respect, Commitment and Safety and expectations in student behaviour to all students. This follows student year level assemblies on 17 May 2021, whereby these expected behaviours were addressed with all students. We would like all parents/carers and students to be clear with the College’s expectation in student behaviour, including any consequences given if any of these expected behaviours are deemed to have been breached. Please have a read of the attachment that outlines these key messages. This information has also been communicated to both parents/carers and students on our Compass management system A copy of the student behaviour matrix has also been included for your reference.

Students Not Feeling Well

If a student is feeling unwell, especially in this time with Covid-19, it is important that the student remains home and the school is notified. If a student feels unwell at school, it is vital that the student initially reports to sick bay. 


I remind all students and parents that it is very important that we all follow the accepted procedure where a student sees the school nurse initially.

and finally...

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents to make sure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, is in full school uniform, and is ready to learn in all classes with correct books and equipment.


Danny Dedes
