A Message from the Principal

Semester Reports

The end of semester marks a key point in student's learning. It is an important opportunity for parents/carers and students to reflect on progress made in every subject. Semester Reports have been provided for every student via Compass.  It is important that parents/carers and students take the time to read the Semester Reports carefully celebrating successes, and noting where further effort needs to be made. If you would like further information about your child's learning in any of their classes, or support with a plan for further improvement next term, please contact the college on 9743 3322 or your child's subject teacher via Compass. 

Remote Learning 

While we hope that we are never forced to return to remote learning, the college received very positive feedback about the way it was delivered in the last lockdown. An over-whelming majority of parents/carers told us that they were satisfied with the program, that sufficient work had been provided and that it was pitched at the right level for students. A majority of parents also told us that they were happy with the way the college supported their child/ren's wellbeing during this time. Parents/carers left many positive comments including the following:

"My  husband and I convey our deep thanks to MSC, Principal Mr Reynolds and your teaching staff/administrators for the prompt responses in transitioning to remote learning."

"All the teachers have been great at engaging my child and providing a learning experience."

"My child had plenty of time to focus on the subjects and learning more than normal situation"

School Smoking and Vaping Ban

By law, smoking and vaping are banned within the grounds of, and within four metres of an entrance to, all childcare centres, kindergartens, preschools and schools.


Why the ban exists 


To protect children and young people from the dangers of second-hand smoke and vapour.


This ban ensures that children and young people can enter and leave the college without being exposed to harmful second-hand smoke and vapour. Young people's health is particularly at risk because they have smaller airways and less developed immune systems compared to adults. 


To reduce the role modelling of smoking and vaping behaviours around children and young people


Children and young people are more likely to view smoking and vaping as socially acceptable when they regularly see people doing it. Banning smoking and vaping in areas used by children and young people will discourage children and young people from using tobacco or e-cigarette products.


The law provides for fines to be issued when the ban is breached.


Fines are described under law in penalty units. From 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, a penalty unit is valued at $165.22. The penalty for breaking school smoking and vaping ban laws is a court fine of a maximum of five penalty units ($826 as of 1 July 2020) or an infringement fine of one penalty unit ($165 as of 1 July 2020).


This ban means that vaping is not permitted at the college and consequences will be applied for breaches of this ban under the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy.

High Levels of Expectation and High Levels of Support

Every day of school is precious and the college continues to have high expectations of student behaviour and effort so that learning and progress can be maximized and to provide students with strategies and resources to achieve their very best. 

  • We feel strong and capable when we take the time to prepare and be ready to succeed in our learning. Coming to school in full uniform, with our kit (exercise and text books, Student Planner and pens) and a fully charged device is the first part of every school day. This is preparation for success in work and life after school.
  • We keep up with our learning when we complete home work.
  • We are able to overcome challenges when we choose to be kind to others and choose a positive attitude.
  • We stay in control when we moderate our use of social media, mind our own business and don't bring conflict or drama to school.
  • We stay safe when we seek help from parents/carers or staff instead of using aggression to solve our problems.

Our STARR Awards Shop has been busy this term exchanging prizes for points earned by students for positive behaviours. We will re-stocking over the holiday break and expect to see many more prizes cashed-in next term. 


We look forward to seeing students return from the holiday break refreshed, ready to follow all expectations and with everything they need as a successful Melton Secondary College Student.