Performing Arts Production 2021

'Not Just Another High School Musical' gets underway

We are very excited to announce Staughton Colleges 2021 showcase is ‘Not Just Another High School Musical’ which is a combination of many high school performances formed into one. After many incredible auditions, the cast has been selected and we will put the results on the front notice board in Week 5. If you have any talents you would like to show off, it isn’t too late to sign up so if you would like to get involved whether that’s backstage or performing, see either Mr Beech or one of our performing arts captains.


The performing arts community welcomed me in my junior years and has been the highlight of my entire high school experience. I was given the chance to collaborate with different students and teachers every year and form relationships with people across all year levels. It was very exciting to experiment with a variety of roles each show which allowed me to gain more experience. Everyone felt like family the more we worked together as there are many precious memories and laughs that I will treasure. 

– Paige Bristow



Being a part of the performing arts gave me the opportunity to work collaboratively with other year levels and gain experience from older performers. Together, we were able to create a sense of community while having fun at the same time and in the end, we produced something we were truly proud of. It also gave me more opportunity for leadership roles in future and connections with others around the school. 

– Tasman Broadway