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Da Vinci Competitions

The last week of Term 1 saw five teams attend the Da Vinci Decathalon which runs over three days. Our Year 6 team competed on the Monday at ICS, while Years 7 and 8 attended the competition on the Tuesday at TIGS, as did our Years 9 and 10 team on the Wednesday. 


Da Vinci Decathalon is an academic competition in which teams of eight students must answer ten papers over a school day. They must work together, addressing questions that require creative problem solving as well as expertise in certain areas. 


Our teams of students had been training for much of the term, familiarising themselves with past papers and predicting possible questions around this years' theme: Icons. The papers ranged from Maths, English and Science to Art and Poetry, Code Breaking and Ideation. We came away with a certificate in Creative Producers for our Year 8 group. 


I would like to congratulate all the teams on the way in which they prepared for and competed on the day. As is always the case, the students from NCS were a joy to take on an excursion like this. When asked to give some feedback about the day some of the responses were:


'I really enjoyed hanging out with people I might not usually and working together as a team! It was a lot of fun! The work was pretty interesting and dealt with some good topics as well! I would definitely do it again if I could.'


'I liked the tension and enjoyment that came with it'

'I enjoyed discussing things with the entire group and calling on everyone's expertise.'

'I liked the canteen!'

Year 7 Day Camp


Recently, Year 7 students participated in an enjoyable day out at Koloona. We were blessed with beautiful sunshine and warm weather. It gave the students a chance to be outdoors and engage in collaborative activities. The morning devotion encouraged students to consider what it means to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.”(Mathew 23:7) They were reminded of Jesus’s sacrificial love and that we only love because God loved us first.It was wonderful to witness the students show kindness, humility and leadership to each other throughout the day. A great day had by all. 


Koloona was a lot of fun, my favourite thing we did was swimming and learning more about God. We got to build a raft and learn how to tie different knots, we also did initiatives and that really helped us build on our teamwork skills. Overall, the whole day was lots of fun and we learned lots of new skills and how to work together. 


Harriet P


The whole of Year 7 went to a place called Koloona in North Nowra. At Koloona we got to play some fun games and activities. One of those activities was that we got to build a very big catapult. Using the catapult, we got to launch tennis balls into the sky. Another activity was building a raft out of wood and big water containers. The aim was that the raft would float so, that we would be able to race another team across the pool. We learnt about how God loved us so much and that he sent his one and only son to die for all of our sins on the cross. We were reminded about God's great promises 'I will be with you, I will not forsake you.' We were encouraged about God and his GREAT love for us.


Daniel B

Secondary 'Stay and Pray'

On Monday 17 May, prefects ran 'Stay and Pray' after the Secondary Monday morning assembly for the first time. This was created to encourage students to pray and focus their week on the Lord, while also building community as they pray with their year group. Each prefect joins a year group and anyone from that year who would like to stay back after the devotions and announcements comes to sit together, discuss the week and pray for the week ahead. I personally found it incredibly encouraging praying with Year 7 as there were many who decided to stay back. They were eager to share prayer points and pray and it gave me insight into the week ahead for our Year 7's.  Isabelle M (Year 12 School Captain)


Secondary Assembly celebrates success

This week's secondary assembly opened with the concert band treating us to three pieces of music: Hawaii 5-0, Drum time and Brazil. Drum time featured Shae Albrecht on drums and solos from Jonathan McLennan, Ollie Ellery and Ryllie Bristoe. It was awesome to have the concert band play for us for the first time since COVID 19!


Mrs Ellery then described the Da Vinci Challenge to us: each team had to complete 10 papers in a day. By the end of the day their heads were hurting, but they had a lot of fun. 


Finally, we considered Daniel, an Israelite in captivity in Babylon who remained faithful to God, despite everything. God promised to bless them and give them a hope and a future - the ultimate blessing didn't come until over 500 years later, when Jesus died so that we could all be part of God's Big Rescue Plan. Have you experienced this rescue?

New outdoor seating in Secondary 


It is wonderful to have new outdoor seating furniture for our Secondary students. The seating was installed earlier in the week and the various settings have already seen much use.