Wise words with...

Mr Bray | Principal

‘This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.’ 1 John 5:14 (NIV)

Our NCS Purpose Statement reads; ‘Nowra Christian School partners with families in equipping students for life through the provision of quality, Christ-centred education, founded on Biblical values.’ I am always encouraged when I read this Purpose Statement as it provides clear confirmation that I am at the ‘right’ school. It reminds me that NCS is a school that honours God and seeks to provide an educational program that is pleasing to Him.


However, it is one thing to have a Purpose Statement but, as a school community, how can we help to ensure that our school actually delivers these vital aspirations? I believe that this question was largely answered for me on Tuesday morning of this last week when I had the opportunity to join with more than 60 others as we attended our inaugural NCS Community Prayer Breakfast. As the name suggests, we had the great privilege of gathering together to bring our NCS school community in prayer before our God!

Yes, it was pleasant to be in the company of our NCS families and it is always enjoyable to share a delicious meal with others. However, what was really ‘special’ was the opportunity that we all had after breakfast to gather together in small groups to present our prayer and praise points to the God that our school Purpose Statement so clearly points to. I was greatly encouraged to see that these groups comprised a wide cross-section of our school community. Parents and carers, staff and board members joined together with many of our secondary students to thank our God for His faithfulness to our school over the more than 40 years that we have been operating.



As our focus verse indicates, we are invited to bring our prayer requests before our God and we can have confidence that He hears us. This is exactly what took place at our breakfast gathering. This event was held in our wonderful new TAS/Visual Arts Centre and this was certainly another tangible reminder that we serve a generous God Who has enabled us to provide modern facilities in which to educate our students. Each group was provided with a list of prayer and praise points and we were encouraged to pray for our local community, for our country and for our world. 


We do plan to hold a further NCS Community Prayer Breakfast during the second half of this year and I would suggest, if you were unable to attend last Tuesday, that you make it your aim to join with us next semester as we again bring our school in prayer before the God that we seek to serve. However, I have even better news and this is that you don’t have to wait until this next scheduled occasion! Everyone who professes a faith in God has access at any time to bring your requests and praise before Him in prayer. Our God is always available and He takes great delight when we find the time to communicate with Him!