From the School Captains
It’s been a busy start to the term for Year 12s! We’ve had lots of SACs up to this point, with most students having at least one SAC every week. For those who don't know, SACs are school assessed coursework that contribute to our final grade for each subject and our ATAR. The study centre has played a huge role in helping us prepare for these assessments, and collaborate with our fellow Year 12s, all while enjoying our favourite snack, 2 minute noodles. Along with this, some of the Year 12 students are also busy preparing for our whole school musical Freaky Friday! It would be great to see you all there on the 22nd, 23rd & 24th June. Some relief from all of our busy schedules, will be the upcoming GEC YEAR 12 TRIVIA NIGHT, on 21st June! Along with the Year 12 executive, we’ve been busy planning the night and hiding clues EVERYWHERE! #theyareeverywhere
Two weeks ago many of the Year 12s went off to their last interschool sport competition. Aimee participated in badminton, and for it being the first she played, she had a lot of fun. It’s always great to have a break from studying for a day and spend time with other Year 12s.
On Wednesday 5th May, the Glen Eira College Captains and Vice Captains were invited to Brighton Secondary College to attend a school leaders network meeting with other school leaders from other local secondary schools. This provided a fantastic opportunity to establish new connections with other student leaders and to share ideas about what we are currently doing at our respective schools. We all learned a lot and we’re looking forward to meeting as a network again soon, hoping to create some discussion around legacy. In the meantime we’ve started an online forum to share resources and communicate on a weekly basis!
Representing the college as your 2021 College Captains has been an absolute blast so far, and as always, if you have any suggestions, concerns or anything you’d like to discuss, we’re happy to help in any way we can!
Aimee, Joseph, Alannah and Alex
College Captains