
Welcome Lyn

We would like to introduce and welcome Lyn Jenkin to the Wellbeing Team at GEC. Lyn will be working at GEC on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.


My name is Lyn and I am the new Mental Health Practitioner at GEC.  My most recent work has been at Monash Children's Hospital in the Emergency Department, helping young people and families who present with mental health concerns.  This has given me a great understanding and empathy for young people who are feeling very anxious, depressed and overwhelmed. 
 I am looking forward to spending time at GEC, encouraging people to care for their own mental health.  
When I am not at GEC, I like early morning walks with our dog, riding, crafting, and going camping with my family.  A fun fact about me is that I was part of an organisation that abseiled off a Melbourne city building to raise money for vulnerable children in foster care.  Looking forward to chatting with you.  Our team can be contacted on: wellbeing@gec.vic.edu.au

We Are Now a Lead School for the Respectful Relationships Program 

This program aims to build a culture of respect and gender equality across school communities.


Education and family violence experts developed Respectful Relationships following the Royal Commission into Family Violence. As a Lead School we will play a critical role in implementing the Respectful Relationships initiative and supporting other schools in our area.


Health and Physical Education staff have formed a professional learning team aimed at improving the effectiveness of our Respectful Relationships teaching and learning program.


Respectful Relationships Student Voice Pilot Project

It is not just teachers who will have access to further training and support. We have been accepted into the pilot program for students.  This program is about supporting students to develop and implement Respectful Relationships projects in their school community. 


Students who may be interested might include those with an interest in Respectful Relationships related issues such as Gender Equality, Prevention of Violence Against Women, Human Rights and Healthier Masculinities. 


We will be seeking nominations from Year 9 and 10 students. Nomination forms and information will be available in the Year 9 and 10 google classroom.


The initiative will involve a minimum of four students from Years 9 and 10 and supporting staff members. Students will receive training in how to design and lead a project with their peers. They will also have the opportunity share their project with the broader community, including with students from other schools involved in the project.


Stay tuned to future newsletters for updates on our Respectful Relationships journey.


Jenny Sanchez

Wellbeing Leader