Maths News
Mathematics at GEC
In the past two weeks, two Year 7 and two Year 9 classes participated in a Maths Challenge trial to try out Maths investigation tasks to be published by the Department of Education during the second half of this year. The students had fun doing these activities while applying their numeracy skills in solving problems.
The Year 7s had to purchase the materials required for a Halloween costume of their own choice but the trick was they had to keep the total cost within a given amount. Students had fun choosing their own costumes and creating the design, whilst proving their skills in also doing the mathematical calculations to keep the total cost within the given budget.
One of the Year 9 classes has reasoned ‘What is healthy eating’ mathematically by investigating a series of graphs displaying information about food and diet. Students enjoyed working in groups, researching and analysing data, and then reflecting on how well their initial perceptions aligned with the actual healthiness of different foods. They have not only developed their logical thinking and deduction skills, as well as statistical and probabilistic thinking from this challenge, but also learned the importance of living a healthy and balanced school-home life.
Student sample Reflection:
Thanks to Ms Liu, Ms Kaur and Mr Sherman for running this trial with their classes.
Arivu Kumaran
Maths Learning Area Leader