Around the Campuses

Multicultural Day was a blast!



Debating Success!

Congratulations to the Year 11 and 12 Debating Teams on their first experience of the Secret Topic debate!


Mr Nguyen

Debating Coordinator


Sports Update

Congratulations and well done to the students who have participated in interschool sports this term - Year 8 Girls Soccer, Year 9 Boys and Girls Badminton, Year 7 Girls Netball and Year 9 Boys Volleyball. 


All teams represented VUSC at the Keilor Division events and three of the teams made it through to the Western Metro Region competitions. These are our best achievements in any given school term! Congratulations to all students and coaches. 


Mr Squeo

Sports Coordinator


Year 8 Drama Workshops with WEYA

On the 18th and 19th May, Year 8 Drama students engaged in workshops, led by artists and performers from Western Edge Youth Arts. The students were reminded in these workshops that this was not an acting lesson, but rather a life lesson. The premise of the workshops focused on three core values: listening, happy failure and making each other look good. Ultimately, through improvisation games and activities, students were taught that we are all here to support each other and that sometimes we may try and we do not succeed but we just have to try again. All students involved should be commended on their engagement and participation during these sessions! As always, we are so grateful to the team at Western Edge Youth Arts for the incredible work that they do with our young people.


Ms Fallon

Drama Teacher


Brainstorm Productions 'The Flipside'

On Tuesday 4th May students in years 7, 8 and 9 watched a theatrical performance, 'The Flipside' by Brainstorm Productions. This performance highlighted the importance of personal responsibility, empathy, respect and resilience in the online world. 'The Flipside' challenged students' perspectives on what's humorous, toxic, private, humiliating, informative, safe or appropriate online. The performance encouraged students to think critically about their online behaviour and provided strategies for respectful communication.


Ms Fallon

Year 9 Coordinator