From the Chaplain's Desk

BUZ Today
The year 1/2 students recently finished the BUZ Today program.
In BUZ Today we look at social skills that will help support our younger students. These skills include: positive self-image, friendship-making skills, handling feelings, (understanding, processing, communication and managing feelings), resolving conflict, saying sorry and forgiveness, bully proofing and building positive community.
There have been some great highlights throughout the program. We read lots of cool stories such as “Marvin Gets Mad” and “Recess Queen”. We sang some great songs, played some fun games, had some informative discussion and completed our BUZ Today workbooks. Our BUZ programs are lots of fun and help to make our school a Build Up Zone.
Mental Illness Fellowship of WA
Mental Illness Fellowship of WA, known as MIFWA, currently have some great free workshops available to support families dealing with mental illness.
Here’s a little taste of some of what’s on offer at the moment.
The Creative Ripple Effect Art Therapy & Self Care Workshop
This workshop is for parents and caregivers of children of any age, who have been having a tough time with the recent happenings in the world, relating to COVID-19. The uncertainties of the future, finances, travel, being able to see friends, grandparents and other family members. Come along if you feel you need extra help, tools and skills to extend your toolbox and support your children throughout these times. No art experience
is necessary, just a willingness to be open and explore. During this workshop we are looking at building resilience, learning coping mechanisms, finding a renewed sense of energy and passion and inspiration to thrive.
Art Journaling Workshops
Art journaling is a way of creatively expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Come and learn how it can be used to support mental health & wellbeing.
When: 12-14-year-old’s: 12:30-3:30pm, Monday 12 July 2021
15-18 year old’s: 12:30-3:30pm, Tuesday 13 July 2021
Where: Northam Rec Centre
Art materials and afternoon tea provided.
Managing Conflict & Challenging Behaviour course
The Managing Conflict & Challenging Behaviour course has been designed to help reduce the risk of behaviours of concern, and to influence a safe and positive outcome in a difficult situation. You will learn positive approaches to behaviours of concern, including effective communication and de-escalation skills. A light lunch will be provided. There are limited FREE spaces available for unpaid carers of a family member.
For more information on any of the featured workshop’s, registrations and for more workshop opportunities visit and click on “What’s On”.
If you have any other queries feel free to contact Allison on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at the school, or via email at