Year 5/6 Update
Enviro News
On Tuesday 18th May, the year 5/6s had a guest speaker, Kate Nicol, from Wheatbelt Natural Resources Management, who spoke to us about the threats to our local Eucalyptus Woodlands. The class is going to write and illustrate a storybook about this issue which Wheatbelt NRM will publish. Check out this link on the Wheatbelt NRM website:
Police Visit
On Thursday 27th May, we were lucky enough to have local police officer, Dave Herrington speak to our class about law enforcement in Australia. He gave us a brief history and development of “The Rule of Law” and international declaration of human rights. We discussed how influential the government is in determining our quality of life. We used a case study approach to discuss the role of police to investigate instances of law breaking and act to maintain public safety. We looked at the court and correction systems and ran through scenarios for several laws. We were also amazed to learn that the age of responsibility for behaviour is 10 years old!