Student and Lunchtime Activities

Idahobit fundraiser
On Friday 21 May, Koonung is celebrated the LGBTQIA+ community in recognition of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia. The feeling within our community on the day was very vibrant and warm! We would love that feeling to continue throughout the year to support our LGBTQIA+ students. Students wore something colourful to highlight their stance against discrimination and their belief that all people should be treated with respect regardless of their identity. Thank you to everyone who contributed generously (over $1,300 was raised). all profits are going to Minus 18, a great organisation dedicated to providing support to young LGBTQIA+ people.
Koonung Equality Collective
Lunchtime Activities
If you don't feel like sitting out lunchtime, join in on one of the many activities run by both teachers and students. Click on the table below to view some of the activities on offer.
Shaun Sanderson
Lunchtime Activities Coordinator