
Please take care of yourself
We encourage all students and the wider Koonung community to be mindful of your own mental health and self care. It is so important that if you are in distress for any reason that you reach out to a trusted adult whether it's a parent, family member, teacher, coordinator, coach or a member of our Wellbeing Team (Eryn, Ella, Mr Oaten or Helen in the Health Centre).
Consider limiting your time on, and exposure to, social media if that's creating any problems for you. Choose some positive activities to get involved in - sport, art, music, hanging out with people you care about. There are also a range of online support networks for you to check out if you prefer and they are accessible below:
Whitehorse City Council Wellbeing Forums
The EACH youth and family counselling team are running another Shine program for young women (aged 14-18 years) who experience social isolation and/or symptoms of anxiety/depression. This free program offers the option to attend online or in person at the Nunawading Community Hub.
Michael Oaten
Director of Learning - Learning Enhancement