Middle Years

Middle Years musings - Learning in Lockdown
Entering Lockdown 4.0 was not something I was happy to hear about. It meant another round of home schooling and I wasn’t really looking forward to it.
I enjoy being at school with my friends and classmates and like most of us, prefer to be at school face to face.
When we find ourselves in these situations, thinking positively and finding the silver linings is what got me through this lock down.
Even though we were doing our classes via zoom we were still able to connect and interact with our teachers, classmates and friends.
To keep connected to some of my friends that I would regularly see every day was very important to me. We would facetime or zoom to work together or just to keep connected and have a chat.
At the end of the day, we were all in the same boat and having a somewhat structured school day helped a lot. I am really looking forward to going back to school on Friday and having face to face learning.
Jessica Iglewski 7C
There have been some challenges in remote learning, but I have had a good experience overall. Sleeping in a bit longer has been a fun perk as well as making hot lunches almost every day. It is challenging trying to find a quiet place to work since the whole family is working from home. I find putting on headphones is a good solution, as I can also hear the teacher more clearly. Staring at a screen all day can be tiring, so I try to go on a small bike ride at lunchtime to clear my head and to have a fresh mind for the last period. While it has been enjoyable, I cannot wait to see all my friends again and say goodbye to online learning.
Alysha Clegg 8B
Middle School reminders
- Year 7 Sport Education Day is Thursday, students are to wear their PE uniform all day
- Year 8 Sport Education Day is Wednesday, students are to wear their PE uniform all day
- Live Life casual dress days, students are to wear neat casual clothing
- School classes start at 8.50am and finish at 3:15pm
- Students and parents must check Compass every day for room and class changes
- Students are encouraged to bring drink bottles in the warmer weather
- If your child has Physical Education during the day they need to check Compass the night before to determine if it is a practical (PE uniform) or theory class (academic uniform)
- Sports equipment can be borrowed at recess and lunchtime at the Middle Years Centre
- Students should be using ‘My Tasks’ on Compass to record day to day homework
- A supervised Homework Club is available in the library Monday after school until 4pm
Stuart Kofoed
Director of Learning - Middle School
Year 8 Geography Fieldwork - Organ Pipes National Park
It has been wonderful to be able to participate in excursions again after the year that has been. Last month our Year 8 students attended the Organ Pipes National Park for Geography fieldwork for the Landforms and Landscapes unit. The students were able to Investigate a volcanic environment and view The Organ Pipes, a set of basalt columns formed by the cooling and cracking of molten lava.