Recreation News

Term Two Recreation

We have had a number of different recreation options on offer this term and some exciting ones to look forward to after the Closed Weekend.  Above is a snap shot of what has been on offer during the month of May.  As your child's parent/guardian, you will also be able to view the recreation options on offer through REACH.


Please enjoy some photos from Term Two recreation so far.

Albany Residential College Visit

Albany Residential College invited a dozen Middle School boarders to spend last Sunday afternoon with them. They enjoyed the afternoon of sport and games and meeting new and familiar faces. Going forward, we plan to increase the opportunities to connect with other boarding students in the local area. 

Ringtail Possum Spotlight Event

Supported by South Coast NRM through the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme, Miss Bronte Van Helden, 2012 GSG Alumna recently held a Western Ringtail Possum workshop and spotlight event for the City of Albany. Due to the timing of this event our boarders were unable to attend however, Bronte has kindly agreed to do a special event just for Great Southern Grammar boarders.  


Critically endangered western ringtail possums can be found in many backyards around Albany. Bronte will explain the importance of gardens for the western ringtail possum and show boarders how to spot them. She will then take students on a tour spotting these unique animals.


We are aiming to add this event to our recreation programme during an evening between the Closed Weekend and end of term.  If your child would like to be involved in this unique recreation activity, please encourage them to return to boarding from the Closed Weekend with a torch or headlamp.

World Oceans Day 

On Sunday, 13 June it is World Oceans Day and the City of Albany is holding a Beach Clean and Plastic Waste Workshop.  We have placed this event on the Boarding recreation calendar and if your child would like to be involved, please encourage them to return to boarding with some gloves and some enclosed shoes that can get wet.

Participation at this event will earn boarders points towards the Marsh Award.


Mrs Dianne Franzinelli | Boarding Administrator