Year 3/4 News

This term in PBL our driving question was 'How can we make a difference to the environment by making use of the waste we throw away?'
Students worked in groups to create an information fact sheet on their chosen area of waste (paper, plastic or food). They then contacted an expert or company about what they are doing to address the issue. To conclude the unit, students designed a product, invention or machine that will use or re-use the waste they have been studying.
The students have been focusing on poetry recently and will continue on in the first few weeks of Term 3. They have been exploring the common elements found in poetry and experimenting with different types of poetry. Here are some of their work samples:
At Home Maths Activity
Continue to practice addition and/or multiplication with these fun Maths card games!
Week 10 Timetable
Week 9 & 10 Learning Intentions
Year 3/4 Weekly Timetables & Learning Intentions for Weeks 1 & 2 in Term 3 have not been included in this edition of the newsletter. Teachers will be working on these this week and throughout the holidays. Instead, Learning Intentions will be posted via Skoolbag Monday 12th July.
Thank you for your understanding.
Important Dates
Friday 25th June - Whole School Assembly 3pm
Friday 25th June - Last day of Term 2 (students finish at 1pm)
NAIDOC Week - 4th to 11th July
Monday 12th July - First day of Term 3
Staff Contacts
Belinda Hirschauer -
Kaitlyn McMillan -
Lauren Bell -
Annie McNaughton -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am-5pm.