Year 1/2 News

Celebration of Learning
In writing, the 1/2's have been exploring poetry. Students have learned about and written concrete and limerick poems. They enjoyed drawing pictures to write their concrete (or shape) poems in. They now understand that not all poems have to rhyme. Check out some of their poems below.
In maths, the 1/2's have been designing, creating and making patterns. Using a variety of materials they have learned that there are increasing, decreasing and growing patterns. Patterns can be seen all around us in numbers, shapes and colours. Students have loved making patterns for their peers to continue.
As we come to the end of Term 2, we would like to thank the 1/2 families for all their support throughout the term and particularly during remote learning. A special thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who have been such amazing supports in the classroom. Congratulations to all students on a fantastic term of learning. We are proud of how resilient and engaged the students have remained throughout the term. We wish all the Year 1/2 families and students a safe and relaxing break, and we look forward to a wonderful Term 3.
Week 10 Timetable
Open each attachment to find out what is happening this week.
Week 9 & 10 Learning Intentions
Open the attachment to find out what students will be learning this week.
Year 1/2 Weekly Timetables & Learning Intentions for Weeks 1 & 2 in Term 3 have not been included in this edition of the newsletter. Teachers will be working on these this week and throughout the holidays. Instead, Learning Intentions will be posted via Skoolbag Monday 12th July.
Thank you for your understanding.
At Home Maths Activity
You can continue to support your child's addition skills by engaging in fun and simple games together. See the video below for instructions on how to play the game, practicing mental addition.
Important Dates
Tuesday 22nd June - Maths Day Activities
Friday 25th June - Whole School Assembly 12pm
Friday 25th June - Last day of Term 2 (students finish at 1pm)
Monday 12th July - First day of Term 3
Staff Contacts
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Bella Sullivan-Barry
Paige Frazer
Carmel Pitt
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm